Chapter 203 Good News

The night after the rain, slightly cool.

But despite the absence of the usual heat, Wang Chen's forehead was still covered with beads of sweat.

The reason he broke out in a cold sweat, other than Zhang Hu's explicit words just earlier, was even more due to fright.

Just now inside the room, he had nearly become intimate with Li Qian.

Although he was sober at the time, his whole being was mesmerized by Li Qian's mature charm.

So much so that almost every action was uncontrollable.

Reflecting on it now, it made him feel very awkward.

At the same time, he found it even harder to imagine what the scene would've been like if Zhang Hu had walked in on him embracing Li Qian.

Even though Zhang Hu had wanted him to have a child with Li Qian, that was merely to solve his own family issue.

Having a child with Li Qian and engaging in tender moments with her were two matters of entirely different natures.

Wang Chen's emotions were a mixture of different feelings.