Chapter 324 I Promise Not to Hide Anymore

Li Qian's sudden move shook Wang Chen to the core.

Almost instinctively, he was ready to push Li Qian away.

But in the moment he was caught off guard, Li Qian spoke directly, "You promised me the other day, Wang Chen, that you would give me hope to cling to. Yet, during this time, you not only didn't come to find me, you also gave me the impression you were deliberately avoiding me."

With the change in Zhang Hu's temperament over time, Li Qian had been pushed to her limit, wanting to divorce him and leave once and for all.

It was Wang Chen's heartfelt persuasion that convinced Li Qian to stay.

But Li Qian had her conditions.

That was for Wang Chen to spend more time with her, to provide her with the comfort that Zhang Hu couldn't give.

At that moment, Wang Chen, desperate to keep Li Qian stable for the sake of Zhang Hu keeping his wife, gritted his teeth and reluctantly agreed.