Chapter 11 Skin Moisturizing Pill

Guo Yulian was truly anxious; she had been suppressing her desires for years, and now that she had finally tasted some sweetness, there was no way she was going to miss out...

Seeing Guo Yulian's desperate look, Wu Xiaoshan felt incredibly uncomfortable, but thinking about her arranging a meeting with Zhang Dabao late at night made him feel disgusted.

After a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Sister-in-law Yulian, I can feed it to you, but first, you have to tell me how long you've been together with Zhang Dabao?"

"It hasn't been long; I... I was only called here by him for the first time today," Guo Yulian said as she shook Wu Xiaoshan's arm, her eyes full of longing.

Wu Xiaoshan inwardly rejoiced, but he kept a calm exterior and asked, "Really?"


Guo Yulian, feeling extremely distressed, quickly spilled everything, "Zhang Dabao said that the village is about to get a new chief, and then there will be a reassignment of land rights. If I accompany him just once, he would help me keep this cornfield."

"Xiaoshan, you know I'm a widow, I can't lose this land," Guo Yulian sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

At these words, Wu Xiaoshan's eyes lit up.

The position of Wolong Village chief had been vacant for several months, and he had always assumed it would inevitably become Zhang Dabao's possession, but unexpectedly, a new chief had been appointed from outside.

Clearly, Zhang Dabao was deceiving Guo Yulian. The entire story about reassigning land rights was a lie; Zhang Dabao was simply afraid that his power would be hollowed out once the new chief arrived, so he wanted to deceive Guo Yulian into his grasp before that happened.

While internally cursing Zhang Dabao, Wu Xiaoshan also couldn't help but feel sympathy for this pitiable woman.

Suppressing the turmoil inside him, he straightened out his clothes and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Yulian, rest assured; that beast, Zhang Dabao, is deceiving you. You won't lose your land."


Upon hearing this, Guo Yulian's eyes brightened, but then she saw Wu Xiaoshan's actions and said sadly, "Xiaoshan... don't you care for your sister-in-law anymore?"

Feeling Guo Yulian's plaintive gaze, Wu Xiaoshan wished he could throw himself at her right away, but having calmed down, he thought about Shen Xiuzhen possibly returning unexpectedly and eventually decided against indulging his fantasies.

"Sister-in-law Yulian, of course I want to care for you, but I, Wu Xiaoshan, am not as despicable as you think. Even if I were to be with you, it should be in an honorable way, not here in the cornfield!"

Wu Xiaoshan's earnest expression made Guo Yulian's heart flutter erratically, and she gazed at his handsome face, her eyes filled with tenderness.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoshan, I was wrong. I always thought you were a scoundrel, but it turns out you're the one who's most loyal and righteous!"

Wu Xiaoshan was taken aback by her words. He was about to say something when suddenly, urgent footsteps sounded from outside.

"Sister-in-law Yulian, it seems someone is coming. You should leave quickly..."

Wu Xiaoshan advised her quietly, but before he could finish, he found that Guo Yulian had already run off without a trace.

"Damn it, that woman runs faster than a rabbit!"

Wu Xiaoshan cursed with a silent laugh, about to find a direction to leave, when suddenly, a hushed voice reached his ears: "Xiaoshan!"

Hearing this, Wu Xiaoshan bitterly smiled to himself. Thankfully, Young Master had not acted on impulse just now; Shen Xiuzhen really did make a return attack.

He shook his head, and as he turned around, he immediately saw Shen Xiuzhen walking towards him in the moonlight.

Soon, Shen Xiuzhen approached Wu Xiaoshan and threw herself into his arms.

Wu Xiaoshan's body stiffened as he felt Shen Xiuzhen's voluptuous and alluring body against his. Feigning curiosity, he asked, "Auntie Xiuzhen, what took you so long to get here?"

However, Shen Xiuzhen did not answer Wu Xiaoshan right away. As she undressed, she said in a sultry voice, "Xiaoshan, don't dawdle, hurry up and take off your clothes. I've been dying for you."

Seeing Shen Xiuzhen's desperate manner reignited the fire inside Wu Xiaoshan that he had struggled to suppress. But after what had just happened, his mindset had changed.

If I really go through with Aunt Xiuzhen now, how am I any different from that beast Zhang Dabao?

Thinking this, he pushed Shen Xiuzhen back and began putting her clothes back on while earnestly saying, "Auntie, please don't do this. It would be bad if someone saw us."

Shen Xiuzhen's movements froze. She had never expected Wu Xiaoshan to back out suddenly. She stared at him closely and said with a cold voice, "Wu Xiaoshan, are you making a fool of me? I know it, did you just get cozy with that little vixen Guo Yulian, and that's why you despise me now?"

A shock went through Wu Xiaoshan's heart. Had Shen Xiuzhen seen him with Guo Yulian in the cornfield earlier?

He swallowed hard, wanting to say something, only to hear Shen Xiuzhen scoff, "Just as I thought! Wu Xiaoshan, I was blind to have misjudged you!"

As Shen Xiuzhen turned to leave, Wu Xiaoshan finally reacted. He grabbed hold of her and said with a bitter smile, "Aunt Xiuzhen, what are you thinking? There's nothing between Sister-in-law Yulian and me!"

"If there's nothing, then why wouldn't you be with Auntie?" Shen Xiuzhen retorted angrily, as Wu Xiaoshan held her tightly and she couldn't break free.

It was the first time Wu Xiaoshan had seen Shen Xiuzhen get jealous. He nearly laughed out loud but faced with her murderous look, he repeated what was in his heart.

After listening to Wu Xiaoshan's explanation and seeing his tidy clothing, Shen Xiuzhen believed him somewhat. Surprisingly, she didn't persist and said deeply, "Xiaoshan, I wronged you. You truly are so much better than that dog Zhang Dabao. I didn't misjudge you."

Seeing Shen Xiuzhen finally calm down, Wu Xiaoshan also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After pacifying her further, the two finally left the cornfield and went their separate ways home.

When Wu Xiaoshan got home, he immediately gathered the herbs he had picked to prepare to concoct the Elixir.

From his ancestor's legacy, he knew of an Elixir called "Skin Moisturizing Pill," and so he had conscientiously gathered the necessary herbs for it. Fortunately, the Skin Moisturizing Pill wasn't of a high grade, and the herbs needed were quite common.

Once ready, Wu Xiaoshan controlled the Spiritual Power in his dantian to his palm, then enveloped the corresponding herbs. Upon contacting the Spiritual Power, the herbs rapidly dissolved at a visible speed.

Soon, the essence of all the herbs had been extracted, then fused together, and finally formed a dark green Elixir that emitted a rich medicinal fragrance.

Looking at the Skin Moisturizing Pill, Wu Xiaoshan was immensely excited. He knew that if the Elixir worked, he would be on the path to wealth.

After all, the easiest money to earn was from women and children, and the Skin Moisturizing Pill had miraculous effects on improving skin quality. Whether it was freckles, acne, or even blemishes, after taking the Skin Moisturizing Pill, one could completely transform, as if reborn.

However, to be safe, he decided to test the effects on himself first. So, after a moment of contemplation, he swallowed the Elixir.

The Skin Moisturizing Pill smelled fragrant but tasted bitter. As it entered his stomach, it quickly melted, and Wu Xiaoshan felt a warm current flowing throughout his body, followed by an unbearable itching sensation.

He patiently waited a while, and when the itching subsided, he took another bath. When he looked in the mirror afterward, he was stunned by the reflection...