Chapter 49 Wild Dog Attack


The wild dogs have ruined the vegetables?!

Wu Xiaoshan felt a shock in his heart, and his sleepiness instantly dissipated.

Today was supposed to be a great harvest day, and according to the plan, he had intended to have Yang Zishan send people to collect the vegetables. Now that this had happened, it completely disrupted his plan.

"Let's go, let's go take a look first!"

Wu Xiaoshan said and quickly ran toward the direction of the hilltop.

When he got to the field, he found the six acres of vegetables, which had been matured by the Growth Promoter Powder, were now a complete mess.

"Xiaoshan, look at the field, there are wild dog paw prints everywhere, we've really suffered a big loss this time!" Li Xiaobo said, his eyes red with urgency.

However, he was utterly astonished inside, never having imagined that Wu Xiaoshan's vegetables could grow so fast that they were ready to be picked in just three or four days.