Chapter 87 Caring Xin Lei

Having finished these tasks, Wu Xiaoshan then leisurely walked back home.

He first tidied up the yard and then said to Shen Xiuzhen, "Auntie Xiuzhen, get ready. There will be many villagers coming to sell bran soon. We'll take as much as they bring. I'll handle the weighing, and you can be in charge of counting."

Just after Wu Xiaoshan finished speaking, a series of footsteps could be heard at the entrance, and Li Xiaobo walked into the yard carrying bran.

"Set it down here, Brother Xiaobo. Don't go and haul bran later. Stay here and help me with the weighing," Wu Xiaoshan promptly called out.

It wasn't long before people started coming to sell their bran.

Wu Xiaoshan hurriedly greeted them with a smile, "Uncle Guiyun, thank you for taking the trouble!"