Chapter 144: Trying to Steal a Chicken but Losing the Rice Instead

"Xiaoshan? You rascal, how come you have time to swing by here today?"

As Wu Xiaoshan just stepped into the village committee's courtyard, the accountant Luo Ziyi asked with a puzzled look.

Wu Xiaoshan didn't hide anything and immediately spoke about his plans to expand the feed factory.

After hearing this, Luo Ziyi was instantly astonished, "You're expanding already? That must cost a pretty penny, right? I heard just a few days ago you wanted to fix the roads, do you have enough funds on hand?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Luo, I wouldn't dare to rush into it without being prepared," Wu Xiaoshan replied with a grin.

Upon hearing this, Luo Ziyi was even more shocked and asked in disbelief, "Xiaoshan, don't play me for a fool, do you really have enough funds?"

"Yeah," Wu Xiaoshan smiled and nodded, "Now, our factory's feed is really hot, lots of people are rushing to pay deposits to order it. If we don't expand soon, we simply won't be able to keep up!"