Chapter 146: Pharmacy VIP

Watching the BMW 320 in front of him hesitating to move or stop, Wu Xiaoshan couldn't help but roll down his window and yelled, "Buddy, hurry up, you're blocking the road!"

Who would have thought, as soon as he finished speaking, the BMW's window also rolled down.

A burly man with a dragon tattoo on his arm stuck his head out and spat at Wu Xiaoshan, "What the fuck are you yelling for, can't you see I'm busy chatting up a girl?"

Wu Xiaoshan glanced to the side and indeed spotted a young woman with heavy makeup and a curvaceous figure sitting in the BMW's passenger seat.

He narrowed his eyes, his tone slightly cold, "Can't you understand that you're in the way?"

"Blocking your mother!" The burly man exploded in an instant. He pressed the gas pedal and slammed into the front of Wu Xiaoshan's car, and with a "crash" sound, the headlights shattered all over the ground.