Chapter 301: Good News from the Beautiful Village Chief

"Auntie, this livestock farm was originally built for Niutou Village, so of course it must prioritize Niutou Village. After all, you're not a villager from Niutou, and this situation... is quite difficult for me."

Indeed, the matter was very difficult for Wu Xiaoshan; the livestock farm had to prioritize Niutou Village first.

Upon hearing this, Chang Hua immediately started to wipe away her tears, pleading to Wu Xiaoshan.

"My son is thirty-five already. It's just because we're poor that he can't afford to get married. A few days ago, after much difficulty, someone set him up with a potential match, but the family is asking for a dowry of a hundred and fifty thousand. Even if we sell these few cows, we still can't gather enough!"

She appeared to be a pitiable mother who, for the sake of her son, had come a long way to seek Wu Xiaoshan's help.