Chapter 321 Work Attire

As soon as Wu Xiaoshan heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He had just managed to confuse Zhang Jiaojiao with a few words and she hadn't blamed him for his wandering hands. But now that Zhang Jiaojiao mentioned she had forgotten something important, it was clear she meant to settle the score with Wu Xiaoshan.

"Jiaojiao, what do you want to talk to me about?" Wu Xiaoshan asked with a guilty laugh.

Zhang Jiaojiao immediately put on a serious face, which made Wu Xiaoshan feel even more uneasy.

"Ever since the feed factory expanded, we've hired some villagers to work, along with those at the fish ponds and the vegetable fields. There are quite a few of them now.

But now they still don't have uniform work clothes. They're all wearing their own clothes while working. I think we should issue them uniforms."

"So that's what you were talking about."

Wu Xiaoshan instantly sighed in relief, a smile forming on his face.