Chapter 326 Improving the System


Wolong Village is a poor village, and to get out of poverty still depends on the villagers' own awareness.

Some people are poor because they genuinely have no way to make money, but others are idle, deceitful, and slippery, not working hard even when there's money to be made.

Especially these village women standing before them, who were used to being unreasonable on regular days, didn't take Zeng Yu and the other two seriously at all.

They were all college graduates, people of high quality, and as outsiders, they didn't want to cause conflicts with the villagers, which was why they couldn't discipline them.

But Wu Xiaoshan was different; when it came to being stubborn, no one in Wolong Village could beat him.

Seeing that none of the six women were speaking, Wu Xiaoshan issued an ultimatum, "I'll say it one last time, if you want to make money, work hard; if you don't want to make money, settle your wages for these past few days now. Decide whether to stay or go, right now."