Chapter 38: Then I'll Just Put You Back Under the Wheels

The girl still felt lingering fear when she thought about the close call just a moment ago.

But what confused her even more was that the person who had saved her was the very one she meant to harm!

She couldn't understand, "What I've done could have ruined you."

"Because 'Heaven has virtue, favoring the good.'"

Chu Yi stood up and said.

If you really had been hit, how would I know who was behind it all?

The girl was stunned for a moment, her heart filled with mixed emotions, and her expression unavoidably grew complex.

At that moment, the people present also snapped to their senses.

The scene from just now was still fresh in their minds, thinking about it made them feel incredibly anxious.

But once they came back to their senses, the reporters suddenly looked at each other in dismay.

"Are we... are we still taking this job?"

For them, who knew the inside story, it was hard not to give a thumbs up to the criminal of the event who had selflessly saved the victim.