Chapter 44 I need to ask for instructions

Upon hearing the four words "Qingmei Zhuojiu," the members of the Zheng Family immediately brightened up.

The name sounded quite poetic, but the business it dealt with was anything but romantic.

As long as the money was right, "Qingmei Zhuojiu" would dare to take on any task.

In fact, ever since her rise to fame, she had never failed.

With her taking on the job, there might be a chance to do something about that Chu Yi!

"Yes! We'll contact them right away!"


"Is this the evidence you got from the Zheng Family?"

Looking at the hard drive in front of her, Yue Yao could hardly believe it.

Given the Zheng Family's caution, their methods for securing secrets should be extremely strict - distributed in various places, documented in several ways, utilizing codes, and so on.

How could a single hard drive take care of it all?