Chapter 69 Delivering Oneself into Another's Embrace

The Third Senior Sister had urged him, so Chu Yi finally snapped back to reality and asked the taxi driver to pop the trunk open, stuffing the suitcase that contained a person inside.

As the car headed towards home, Third Senior Sister suddenly asked, "Chu Yi, how have you been coping during the time you left?"

"Not bad, the dazzling world is alluring, having a bit of skill is enough to keep up appearances, I've been living quite well."

Without any modesty, Chu Yi said, "Honestly, it's only now that I really understand what level my strength is at. Back on the mountain, I didn't have such a clear feeling."

Third Senior Sister didn't doubt this at all. Chu Yi's strength was indeed second to none, except for one person.

The only one stronger than him was their master, who happened to be one of the rare experts of this age...

Given that, treating Chu Yi as a top-level expert in the mundane world made perfect sense.

"How long can you stay this time, Third Senior Sister?"