Chapter 80 This is too much

Chu Yi strolled up to within five paces behind Claude, utterly disregarding his gun.

At this distance, Chu Yi was completely confident that he wouldn't let Claude fire a single shot.

Besides, not far away, Wei Mei had her gun aimed at him.

As for Shao Yu...

She and Han Lingyue were lying somewhere amidst the ruins, pointing at the stars in the sky and saying, "See that? Those are the Big Dipper..."

The air grew quiet for a few seconds before Claude slowly turned around, his cold eyes fixed on Chu Yi.

"It's a pity this isn't a movie; the one who should die is you."

"Then give it a try," Chu Yi said.

No sooner had Chu Yi spoken than Claude suddenly raised his gun and fired towards where Wei Mei was hiding.

Claude's abilities were indeed extraordinary; he hadn't even looked but shot as if he had eyes in the back of his head. If Wei Mei hadn't dodged quickly, she might have been killed with that one shot.