Chapter 111: Why Do You Need to Do This?

The lively atmosphere had turned oppressively tense. The dynamic music didn't stop, but there was a sense of foreboding on the deck of the yacht, as if a volcano were about to erupt.

"You tell me to cook and I should just cook? Who do you think you are?"

Fan Gang's forehead bulged with veins as he asked with a strained smile.

You paw at the girl I'm interested in and now you want me to cook for you? How about you fly to the sky!

If Ji Dong and others hadn't been holding him back, Fan Gang would have truly liked to punch him right then and there.

If I don't make you see some blood, you really think we're living in a harmonious society, huh!

Seeing the look on his face, Ji Dong started to get a headache.

"Old Fan, calm down, we're out here to have fun. Don't make it so tense," he said.

As he spoke, he kept giving Fan Gang meaningful glances.

Can't you just behave?! Why lose your temper now? Can't you wait until the boat is farther out!