Chapter 125: Unexpected Complications

"Chu Yi!" Yue Yao exclaimed in surprise, never expecting Chu Yi to respond with nothing more than a wicked smile, seemingly without a trace of emotional fluctuation.

Even the fleeing of Cheng Zi'ang seemed to be within his control.

Chu Yi gently turned around, and then with a profound look, he turned his gaze to the outside of the house.

As expected, a group of police officers stood in a row, all aiming their guns at the Michelin restaurant.

All the diners were frightened and panicked, running helter-skelter.

Yet, Chu Yi walked out with an air of casual indifference.

"Brother Chu, be careful!" Han Lingyue whispered a word of caution.

"No worries, do they really think this little display will scare me?"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, looking at the police on the opposite side, very unfamiliar faces!

"I've never seen them before."