Chapter 224 Threat to Zero

Seeing this, even the woman, steadfast as a mountain, couldn't stay seated any longer.

This Chu Yi was far too arrogant.

"I didn't expect it, your skills, they're so good!"

The woman immediately waved her hand, and a burly man stepped forward from behind her.

"Heh, just him?"

"I'm a person who likes to watch shows the most, so you should feel lucky that I didn't have them deal with you alone."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the burly man charged forward.

Chu Yi watched the man's footsteps, but his eyebrows furrowed.

The man was big and burly, at first glance a simple-headed, physically strong type, yet his footwork was unusually light.

He was also a skilled fighter!

Chu Yi immediately started to take things a little more seriously.

To deal with such a person, he needed to strike hard.


The burly man lunged towards Chu Yi, who dodged swiftly, causing the man to miss!
