Chapter 268: The Team is Formed

Everyone looked at the person with suspicion. The person's face changed, and he even glanced down.

"He didn't really just guess that, did he?"

A woman with an odd expression asked, feeling that being able to guess something like this was a kind of skill in itself.


"What—You actually like this color?"


"Listen to me explain!"


Chu Yi smiled faintly, while Yue Yao's face was full of surprise.

How did Chu Yi manage to do this?

"Did you really just guess?"

Yao turned her head and asked, and Chu Yi was all mystery, whispering, "Yes, I guessed."

"Fine, let's say you're the blind cat that found a dead mouse. You've guessed it right, so tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"Form a small team."


Everyone reacted differently, their expressions showing great surprise as they stared at Chu Yi.

They were all top assassins, used to operating solo, and forming a team wasn't something they could adapt to on the fly.