Chapter 280: Take You as My Disciple!


Han Family.

"Xiao Chu, your idea, although bold, is somewhat impracticable."

"Oh? Why? Uncle Han, look at how much change this virtual shadow of the ladder has brought to this world, and now the only clue is this island."

Chu Yi explained softly.

Next to him, Han Likuo was full of worry. He had thought of such a thing, but implementing it was extraordinarily difficult.

You have to know, with the ladder to the skies resuming, the consequences it may bring could be far more profound than what they had seen.

And more importantly, there were many people in this world who did not faint at that time.

Chu Yi had learned from that man with the big gold teeth that these people might be the ones who will undergo changes later on.

However, Chen Dan really was beyond Chu Yi's expectations.

For this reason, he had even asked Li Xin to send someone to monitor Chen Dan, wanting to see what was so special about him.