The light that struck Captain Kidd's Ghost Ship was gray, and as this beam descended, a gray silhouette also plummeted from the sky.
In the hands of the figure was a Great Cross Sword as tall as a man, as if he held a Cross, and on his back were a pair of gray wings folding inward.
Lord Nelson, standing on his flagship HMS Victory commanding the fleet, watched with his remaining left eye, the figure descending from the heavens, his Great Cross Sword akin to a Cross and the wings on his back prompted him to exclaim in astonishment, "An Angel?"
At this moment, Chen Yu, who was diving from the sky, certainly did not hear Lord Nelson's cry of surprise. However, as the Underworld Feather Angel, he indeed could be known as an Angel.
In essence, the only difference between an Underworld Feather Angel and an Angel is that one symbolizes light and the other symbolizes death.