
The wind blew furiously taking fragile items with it, hitting window panes, throwing weak doors open, tearing off weak roofs, and breaking down carriages, people ran helter schelter trying to seek shelter in anywhere they could hide, the clouds were dark and the atmosphere was gloomy.

while In the estate of death, Melvin shut the window and turned to look at Ezra who was sitting leisurely on the sofa with a messy scroll in his hand, "this is the after effect of ruining the ritual" Melvin said "it isn't causing turbulence, so it's fine" Ezra said and Melvin looked outside again with a frown "people's houses are getting ruined by the wind that is enough turbulence" he said "if it's because of those roof parts you are seeing in the air that doesn't mean houses are getting ruined" Ezra said still without turning his focus away from the scroll and Melvin sighed, he hardly ever hard a good conversation with this creature, he picked his duster and strolled out of the room to get something done. Humming, Melvin dusted the railings of the stairs, he had this satisfied look on his face like that was the most pleasurable thing that gave him satisfaction in the house, he soon got to the last railing and he suddenly stopped, the stairs had lost a touch of it luxury, something was missing, he moved back a bit and suddenly realised something "vase of Neptune!!" he exclaimed to himself and bit his lips, "that sneaky thing stole it" Ezra suddenly spoke behind him and he flinched, "I don't think she purposely did it, I would get the vase back I promise" Melvin said and Ezra scoffed, "a thief is a thief don't make excuses for her, well, I crave for fresh blood so it would be a great pleasure to pay her a visit" Ezra said as he turned to walk back upstairs "I would get you someone else, you can't take the blood of a supernatural creature if you still want the ritual to continue, I promise to bring back the vase of Neptune" Melvin said and Ezra paused for a while, "I want my vase before the next full moon and I want my meal before tomorrow night" he said and disappeared "goodness!!, this lythrix has some guts" Melvin exclaimed and tucked his duster into his pocket and strolled off.

While on Hazel's side, she looked out of Sunny's restaurant, looking grimly at the damages the wind was causing and took a gulp of the tea in fimmediately, it was very hot just some minutes ago and she decided to have tea at Sunny's and now its suddenly windy, the cloud became suddenly dark without warning and the wind followed immediately, she sighed and took a gulp of tea, "today is going to be colder" she muttered "yes it would" a voice said and an elderly woman sat in front of her, "daughter of late Raphael Dumont and late Mathilde Leblanc, a young and beautiful thief and.." the woman suddenly paused "forget that, how are you today?" the woman muttered with a smile which had a kind of cringe and Hazel raised a brow, she leaned back on her sit indifferently and took a sip of her tea, "you don't seem surprised" the woman said still holding her smile, "oh, many people know me just the way you described, especially my business partners, I know you're not here for business, so let's continue with the introduction, who are you?" Hazel muttered and the woman adjusted her sitting "I am a witch" the woman said "oh, wow!, then I should be a Wizard right" Hazel muttered with a bored expression and the woman frowned then suddenly smiled again "would it surprise you then if I told you, I know you aren't human and you are a lythrix" the woman said and Hazel's expression became more bored "are you joking with me now, or you are trying to make me surprised, you should have worn your costume at least I wouldn't be this bored, spare me madam, I am not in for dramas this afternoon" Hazel muttered and turned her focus to the wind outside, the woman frowned, she tried to search for a change of expression on Hazel's face but there was none, her frown deepened and she suddenly tried to grab Hazel's hand but the latter was faster she dodged her, "calm down madam, I am not the only costumer here, you can go to other costumers who would like to see you play?" Hazel exclaimed but it only intensified the already angry woman, she threw a green smoke into the air and used the opportunity to touch Hazel's hand, in the next minute the both of them were in another place entirely, an alley, but still a part of Guttric city, "sadly I didn't bring my dagger" Hazel muttered and the woman smiled evily as she transformed into an ugly scaly monster "I was sent to kill you" the woman said her voice cracked "why?" Hazel asked with a disgusted expression on her face and the woman suddenly threw the long whip in her hand at her, Hazel dodged immediately and the whip hit the wall causing a large hole, "aren't we having a nice conversation why are you suddenly getting wild" Hazel exclaimed "don't make that expression in front of me" the woman yelled "ok, understood, but you can't kill me while I am clueless about what I did" Hazel said "your ruined it all, the ritual was supposed to end after a month, but your appearance ruined everything, he thinks he his so invincible and wants to create a repellant spell around Guttric city to repell we witches from coming in but our sisters found a way to use ritual to our own betterment, the ritual was supposed to end in a month only for you to appear and ruin it all, he wasn't supposed to take the blood of a supernatural creature but he took yours and the ritual got ruined, since you have no use in this world I would kill you and send you to your ancestors" the witch said and Hazel looked at her grimly, "you are the wrong person for the job" Hazel said "we would see about that" the witch said and Hazel brought out her small knife ready to defend her self, the witch sneered, her whip cracking ominously in the air, the sound sent a shiver down Hazel's spine, but she stood firm without a change in expression, her eyes locked on the witch "you think you can fight against me with that little knife?" the witch taunted, her voice dripping with malice "I'll flay the skin from your bones!" the witch said but Hazel didn't flinch, she knew her knife was no match for the witch's whip in a straight fight, but she had a plan, she waited for the witch to strike, her eyes fixed on the whip's tip, the witch snarled, lashing out with her whip, Hazel dodged to the side, her knife flashing in quick jabs, seeking an opening in the witch's defenses the whip cracked again, its tip slicing through Hazel's sleeve, drawing blood, undeterred Hazel struck back, her knife slicing through the whip's lash, severing it, the witch howled, stumbling backward, Hazel seized the moment, her knife darting in, striking through the witch as the witch fell, her scales began to dissolve, revealing a withered, ancient form beneath while Hazel stood panting as she covered her nose in disgust, the air was heavy with the smell of decay but she felt proud her small knife had defeated a witch, she walked out of the alley and sighed in frustration, the place wasn't very familiar and it was a long walk to her home, unfortunately she had no coin for carriages, she stretched her legs and began her walk.