In few days

Hazel's body arched off the bed, her eyes still closed, as a blood-curdling scream tore from her lips, her torso convulsed, and a dark, tar-like liquid spewed from her mouth, splattering the bed and floor with an eerie, ink-like stain, the air immediately got heavy with the stench of decay, just then, Ezra appeared in the room, and he quickly helped her up, his face etched with concern and a rear hint of fear, he quickly grabbed a nearby cloth, gently holding it to her mouth as she continued to vomit the black liquid, his other arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close as her body shuddered with violent convulsions, he held her close, feeling her body tremble with each violent spasm, the vomiting finally subsided and Hazel's body went limp, her eyes still closed, Ezra's face twisted into worry and just at the moment Melvin strolled in and on seeing the sight a bright smile walked to his face, he strolled to Hazel and felt her pulse and his smile brightened more, "she is fine the poison is out of her" he said to Ezra and the expression on the latter's face eased, he put down his medicine bag, pulled out some herbs and strolled to the bathroom humming, minutes passed and he finally walked back out, "I already made water for her bath, place her in a sitting position in the water for ten minutes then rinse her body with the pail of cold water I placed by the tub" he said to Ezra, "cold water?" Ezra repeated with a frown "her animal side is a polar bear, it's just perfect" Melvin muttered "quick, quit questioning the doctor and go give her a bath" he added, Ezra said nothing more he scooped the unconscious girl in his hand and strolled to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Ezra's eyes avoided Hazel's vulnerable form as he gently removed the robe she was wearing, his movements a little stiff and mechanical, he tried to keep his eyes off her exposing body, his heart raced with discomfort a lump rising in his throat, the robe slipped to the floor, and he averted his gaze, careful not to look at her bare body in other not to wake something he shouldn't, he carefully lifted her into the bath, his hands supporting her weight and he gently adjusted her position, the water level rose, and he ensured she was secure in the sitting position and as the minutes ticked by his unease grew, he couldn't help but steal glances at her, his love for her overwhelming him, suddenly, Her head lolled to one side, her body relaxing further into the water, and his heart skipped a beat as immediately supported her, his hand brushing against her bare shoulder, the touch sent a jolt of electricity through him, and he quickly withdrew, his face set in a stern mask, the water lapped against the tub, the only sound in the tense silence, his eyes fixed on the clock, willing the minutes to pass, as the clock struck the given time, he quickly rinsed Her body with the cold water, his movements efficient then he lifted her out of the bath, wrapping her in a towel and his gaze met her eyes which was still closed, her face was pale, he felt a strange surge of love and concern, he gently cradled her in his arms, his heart heavy with emotion as he strolled out of the bathroom. Melvin already cleaned the whole room, he had placed a simple night robe for ladies on the bed and he was nowhere in sight. Ezra placed Hazel on the bed and picked the night gow his hands fumbled with it, his usual composure faltering as he struggled to dress Hazel's limp form, he avoided eye contact, his gaze fixed on the fabric as he carefully slid it over her body, his fingers brushed against her skin, sending a jolt of discomfort through him, he cleared his throat, trying to compose himself, but his movements remained awkward, Hazel's vulnerability was a stark contrast to her usual vibrancy, as he fastened the last button, his hand lingered on her shoulder, his touch gentle, he hesitated, then pulled the covers over her, he sighed sadly and called out for Melvin who strolled in immediately with a bowl in his hand, "she stil doesn't look fine" Ezra muttered his gaze lingering on Hazel's pale face, "she would be fine in few days" Melvin said as he presented the bowl in his hand to Ezra, "feed her" he said and immediately grabbed his medicine back then dashed out, he wasn't going to wait and get fed with dog food.