CH-17. Waiting

"Boss, has that kid taken any action?"

"How many of them are there?"

"Do they have guns?"

In the Titan Group office, Rebecca , who was staring at the surveillance screen, saw old man calling.

As soon as she answered the phone, old man asked three questions in rapid succession.

He led his men to ambush around the supermarket, waiting for news from her.

However, more than an hour passed and Rebecca still hadn't contacted him.

He couldn't hold his temper any longer, so he took the initiative to call.


"He didn't do anything."

Rebecca looked at the surveillance footage and said with her beautiful eyes blinking.



"He sent our people away, he must be preparing for action."

"There are only four hours left until seven o'clock. Now an hour and a half has passed, and there are only two and a half hours left."

"If he doesn't act now, there will be no time."

On the other end of the phone, old man said with some confusion.

"He really didn't do anything."


Rebecca stared at the screen, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and was hesitant to speak.

"And what?"

"Oh yeah, how do you know he didn't take action?"

"Has he disappeared from surveillance in the past hour and a half?"

Old man was not confident in her abilities, so he asked for details.

"He was in my sight the whole time."

"Just now, after he closed the door, he studied the individual combat robot for a while."

"After studying for about half an hour, he went to the monitoring room and drank red wine."

"He hasn't came out yet."

Rebecca recounted in detail what had happened in the past hour and a half.

At that time, Alex was holding up a wine glass, eating seafood and drinking red wine comfortably.

There is no intention of stealing weapons and equipment.

He deliberately let people connect the surveillance cameras installed on the wall and in the yard to Titan Company.

In other words, not only can Alex monitor the movements inside and outside the wall, but she can too.

As for the situation inside the supermarket's surveillance room, it was a camera probe in the yard that captured the picture through the glass.

Although it's a bit far, he can still see it clearly.


"He finally managed to get rid of my people. With such a good opportunity, why didn't he take any action?"

"Could it be that he sent the security guards away just to drink some red wine?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

After hearing what she said, old man on the other end of the phone shook his head like a rattle.

He racked his brains but couldn't figure out what Alex was up to.

At this moment, he really wanted to take people in to see what was going on.

But the door was locked from the inside.

This is a gate made of pure iron and weighs four or five tons.

If you want to rush in, you either have to enter the password to open it or use explosives to blow it up.

Although he knew the password, Alex had locked it mechanically from inside.

In other words, even if he knew the password, he still needed Alex's cooperation inside to open the mechanical lock before he could rush in.


Suddenly, he felt dizzy and a drop of blood flowed from his nose.

"Why is your nose bleeding?"

He held on to the wall to steady himself and wiped the blood from his nose in confusion.

"Hey, hey…!"

"Oh, it's alright, I'll hang up first!"

Rebecca's voice came from the other end of the phone. He said something perfunctory and hung up.


When he put away his phone and turned around to look back, he found that several of his men were all pale and had bloodshot eyes.

Some of them, like him, also had nosebleeds.

"Director, you...?"

However, while he was surprised, his men seemed even more surprised than he was.

Several people stared at each other with looks of horror on their faces.

At this time, in the supermarket monitoring room, Alex looked at the time on his mobile phone and then dialed the number.

Just when Rebecca was curious about who he was calling, she found her cell phone ringing.

The incoming call number was exactly Alex's cell phone number.

"Gather all Titan employees immediately."

"Anyone with a pale face or red eyes will be kicked out of the building."

"Then close the door to the building."

"Be quick."

"You only have one hour."

As soon as the call was connected, Alex's urgent voice came into her ears.

In the previous life, after the doomsday, more than half of the people in Titan Building could not resist the virus and became zombies.

Even though she came from a military background and had good skills, it still took her a month to eliminate all the zombies in the building.

While clearing out the zombies in the building, and being starving, she almost became the zombies food several times.

So, in order to prevent her from making the same mistake again, Alex gave her a kind reminder.


Rebecca was completely confused and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Don't ask why."

"Anyway, if you don't do as I say, you will regret it."

After Alex finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

That's all he have to say. It's none of his business whether she listen or not.

"Attention all departments, everyone must gather in the lobby on the first floor within five minutes."

"Anyone who is late or disobeys orders will be treated as a traitor."

In the president's office of Titan Group, Rebecca pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone and gave the order.

In an instant, staff from all departments dropped their work and ran towards the elevator.

Those who were on the lower floors just ran down the stairs.

The company has been on the lookout for traitors recently, and they don't want to become suspects just because they are slow in going downstairs.

Therefore, it didn't take long before all the employees gathered on the first floor.


Five minutes later, Rebecca walked out of the elevator and appeared in front of everyone.

"You, you, you…, come out."

As Alex said, she picked out all the employees with pale faces and red eyes and found an excuse to send them out of the building.

Then she ordered someone to close the door and returned to the office.

The reason why she listened to Alex was because Alex had accurately revealed the identity of the company's traitor and also told her about the conspiracy of Lushan Capital and other banks to acquire Titan.

In other words, if it weren't for Alex, Titan would have fallen into the hands of foreign capital.

Therefore, she believed that Alex would never harm her.

So, she thought about it again and again and decided to do it.

"As you just said, I have already sent them away."

"What should I do next?"

After returning to the office, she looked at the surveillance screen and called Alex.


Alex just replied her with one word calmly.


She frowned slightly, as if she didn't understand what he meant.

"Wait for the doomsday carnival."

On the other end of the phone, Alex shook the red wine in his glass comfortably and continued, "Tell your men to block the door of the building, otherwise it will be very dangerous."