CH-28. Encountering a Best Friend from the Previous Life

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"So many dead bodies?"

In front of Gouda Square, Alex and the three robots just got off the car and saw a lot of zombie corpses on the square.

Their heads were all broken into pieces.

Obviously, it was hunted and abandoned here.

He looked around and found nothing unusual, then led the robot to the underground warehouse.

The underground first and second floors of Gouda Plaza are not parking lots, but Walmart's warehouses.

The first, second and third floors are supermarkets.

Above the third floor, there are specialty stores of major brands.

Haoda Plaza is the largest shopping mall in the city.

High-end clothing and cosmetics from major brands are all available here!

Now that he's here, Alex plans to loot the entire building.


Suddenly, just as he reached the door of the building, he heard a loud noise behind him.

He looked back and saw a large flowerpot smashed into pieces and a piece of white paper floating in the air.

The sudden scene immediately made him alert.

After taking a look at the dark underground warehouse and thinking of the zombie corpses in the square, Alex immediately retreated with the robot and picked up the A4 paper that had fallen.

"There are armed gangsters, don't come in."

There were some words scribbled on the paper.

The words were almost connected together, and there was no time to crumple them into a ball before they were thrown down.

This shows how anxious the person who gave the warning was.

"Damn it, it must be that bitch upstairs who did this."

"You guys lie in ambush here and kill that guy for me, I'll go up and take care of her."

The man with the pockmarked face saw a large vase fall from the upstairs and roughly guessed what had happened.

After giving his instructions to his men, he ran back to the fourth floor alone.

Outside the building at this time, Alex looked up at the building, then returned to the car, picked up the control panel, and prepared to remotely control the robots.

Following his orders, three robots rushed into the building.

Two were in front with guns, and one was behind.

The three robots stood back to back, forming a triangular combat formation, searching forward.

The images they see are transmitted to the control panel in real time.

Although this method of remote control is a bit troublesome, it is very safe.

Alex didn't need to take any risks at all to grasp the situation inside the building.


Suddenly, someone fired a shot at the robot at the stairs on the first floor.

Before Alex could see clearly, the man retracted his head.

"Keep in battle formation."

"Kill all the gunmen."

After discovering the traces of the bandits, Alex immediately gave orders.

These are all AI intelligent individual combat robots. As long as clear instructions are given, they will perform combat missions on their own.

Sure enough, the three robots that received the combat orders maintained their combat formation and moved quickly towards the target.

In just a few seconds, they reached the stairs.

The group of gangsters hiding at the corner of the stairs preparing for an ambush were so frightened when they saw that there were three mechanical monsters coming that they quickly ran upstairs.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

However, the robots, which had extremely strong combat capabilities, opened fire directly upon discovering the enemy.

The four gangsters who didn't have time to escape upstairs were immediately shot in the head.

The robot, having received the order to kill all the gunmen, chased after them closely.

Although they are robots, their jumping and chasing speeds are far beyond those of ordinary humans.

The battle was over in just over thirty seconds.

The remaining gangsters all had their heads blown off before they could escape to the third floor.

"Why are there so many armed gangsters in this building?"

Looking at the images sent back by the combat robot, Alex was somewhat confused.

It's only the third day of the apocalypse, and there's already a gang crime going on, and they have guns?

In the previous life, the various shelters and survivor bases formed gangs more than ten days after the doomsday.

Because it was only on the tenth day that humans began to awaken their special powers.

As the power of these psychics continued to grow, they took control of various shelters.

Only at this point did gangs and factions officially appear.

However, just three days later, gang crime broke out.

This is somewhat unusual no matter how you look at it!

But when he saw the corpse with a scar on the face, he immediately understood what was going on.

In the previous life, a group of serious criminals escaped from prison. They occupied Gouda Square and established the Gouda Base.

There are not many of them, but each of them has awakened superpowers.

Every time they take action, they never leave anyone alive except beautiful women.

So, few people know what they look like.

All Alex knew is that one of their leaders has a pockmarked face and the other has a scar on his face.

It seems that the people now occupying the building should be the group of serious criminals.

"Keep the battle formation and continue searching upstairs."

Alex issued another order.

There is no pockmarked person among the dead, so this guy must still be in this building.


As soon as he gave the order, he heard a terrified scream coming from inside the building.

The sound was transmitted to the control panel in real time through the electronic equipment on the robots.

Alex quickly controlled the robots and moved quickly upstairs according to the direction of the sound.

Combat robots not only have the function of collecting sounds, but can also locate the location of the sounds through sounds.

Soon, the three robots rushed to the fourth floor.

Upon reaching Alex saw a middle-aged man with pockmarks on his face holding a woman hostage.

He was holding a gun to her forehead with one hand and covering her mouth with the other, trying to prevent her from making any sound.

"Louise Cantrell?"

When Alex saw the woman's appearance, he was surprised and happy.

In the end times, she is one of the few people who knows how to be grateful.

One time, he led a team to collect a batch of supplies, but was blocked by people from the Apex base.

At the critical moment, Louise Cantrell saw that the situation was not good and ran away.

He originally thought that this woman was ungrateful and very disloyal.

Unexpectedly, she came back with reinforcements soon, and she was covered in wounds, with several obvious scratches on her body.

It turned out that seeing that the Apex base had a large number of people, she quickly went to report the news to her life and death friend, the Snow Queen.

In order to get help as soon as possible, she ignored the group of zombies in front of her and went straight through the nearest street.

In the end, although she brought reinforcements and saved his life, she was infected with corpse poison and was about to become a zombie.

Just when she was about to turn into a zombie, she actually rushed towards the enemy group.

Just like that, before Alex had the chance to use his own blood to save her, she was killed by the psychic from the Apex base.

Later, whenever he thought of this incident, he felt extremely guilty.

If he had cut his arm earlier and given her the celestial blood to drink, she would not have died.

He hesitated for a moment only because he was worried that his secret would be leaked, which would bring him fatal disaster.

But this hesitation caused him to lose a close friend.

Now, seeing Louise again, he was both happy and extremely excited.