Reborn in the world of "Hong Huang", a descendant of the great Yu.

Wilderness World, the shore of the North Sea, a city built by the sea, covers an area of tens of miles, enough to meet the lives of millions of people, a look of 15 or 16 years old figure, standing on the tower, quietly looking at the endless sea in front of him.

This man is none other than the reborn Ji Chengfeng!

Ji Chengfeng, the earth Chinese, half a month ago because of a bronze ancient lamp, reborn through this world.

After this period of understanding and probing, he finally figured out that he was incredibly reborn to the wilderness world where the golden fairy was walking everywhere and the Luo was not as good as the dog.

And it was also the Yin and Shang period when the Lich War had just ended and the Great Evil was about to begin.

Not only that, but his father was the ruler of the Shang Dynasty, and he was the only heir.

Yes, it was the Shang Dynasty in the era of deities, but the king of the Shang Dynasty was not the famous King Zhou, but his father Di Yi!

I do not know whether it is God's will or the reason of the ancient lamp, this body occupied by Ji Chengfeng is also named Ji Chengfeng, and it is also the direct descendant of King Yu of the Great, and now it is only 16 years old.

With the Ji Chengfeng reborn into the wilderness world, he finally figured out that the green ancient lamp was actually a congenital treasure, called: Enlightenment ancient lamp!

As a congenital treasure, ancient lanterns not only have a small world, but also have the role of making people realize the Tao.

Its time velocity is ten times that of reality, and with the continuous improvement of the Hime Wind, the time velocity of that world will continue to increase.

Although the main role of this understanding of the ancient lamp is to make people realize the Tao, but as a congenital treasure level of treasures, its attack and defense capabilities can not be underestimated, absolutely not much worse than the legendary innate Lingbao.

After a long time, Ji Chengfeng withdrew her eyes, sighed secretly and said, "Hongyuan, Hongyuan..."

"And that is about to start the great deities, although I human race is known as the protagonist of heaven and earth, but in fact is just a chess piece in the hands of the saints, the existence of people to be manipulated, waved to destroy the ants..."

Although Ji Chengfeng has the innate treasure of protection, but he has just begun to cultivate, not to mention what wind waves in this wilderness world, and even self-preservation is a problem.

Especially when he knew that the king who controlled the Shang Dynasty at this time, Emperor B was already old, the famous King Zhou, may ascend the throne at any time, and the Great calamity of God is about to break out, he felt the urgency of time and the pressure of the body.

If it is reborn as a god in the Great calamity, the existence of the name has a surname, the Ji Feng may be less pressure.

You should know that those who have a name exist, even if they die in the great calamity, they may finally be able to mix up to sit in a divine position.

However, his identity at this time was just the successor of a party of princes, and he was also one of the eight hundred princes of the Shang Dynasty, whose power belonged to the bottom of the existence.

To have no strength, to have no power, is completely a marginal figure, even if it is dead, it is a white death, not to say that other forces come to attack, even if a slightly stronger demon, can easily destroy them.

If he wants to survive in the wilderness world, he can only rely on himself, and only his own strength is strong enough and his fist is big enough to survive here.

Since reborn to the wilderness world, and there is a congenital treasure beside the body, Ji Cheng Feng naturally do not want to die, no matter how also have to mix a carefree, immortal, otherwise jump from his identity of crossing.

With the Ji Chengfeng back their eyes, the heart secretly consider their own rob down the road, how to go, only heard a rush of footsteps, immediately came from behind him.

Looking at it, I saw a figure of more than thirty years old, wearing a suit of armor, looking quite heroic middle-aged, and the figure was coming straight to him.

When this person came to the front, I saw him holding his fist and bowing slightly, and then he opened his mouth to Ji Chengfeng: "Little Marquis, Marquis has a welcome..."

"Why does father want me at this time..."

Ji Chengfeng first frowned, although some doubts in his heart, but then he waved and said: "Lead the way..."

The middle-aged man does not nonsense what, I saw him slightly nodded, turned to lead the way in front of the two figures went straight back to the Marquis.

When the two returned to the Marquis house, they only saw the hall, a figure with his back to them, who had been waiting there for a long time.

At this time, not waiting for Ji Chengfeng to speak, I saw the figure of the middle-aged man, immediately came forward to open his mouth: "Marquis, little Marquis has asked to come back..."

When the man turned around, his face was full of wrinkles, and his head was covered with white hair of vicissitudes, looking very old.

This person is not someone else, it is his own father, his face looks very old, but Ji Chengfeng's heart knows that he is at this time of age, absolutely not more than fifty years old.

Living in the ancient world where the spirit of heaven and earth is rich, I am less than 50 years old, and I have become so old, which is really unexpected!

And at this time, I saw the man raised his hand gently, and directly signaled to the middle-aged man: "You go down first, I have some things to discuss with the wind..."

"Subordinates withdraw..." The middle-aged man, as the old duke's confidant, had no redundant nonsense at all, only to see him bow down and then turn back.