Curse or sinister manipulation.

Suddenly, originally full of panic Ji Chengfeng, then the heart suddenly calm down.

Then he could not help but mumble in his heart: "No, the Sudaji in my memory, it seems that the Sudaji in my memory is not the same person at all..."

Yes, Ji Chengfeng memory, that in the seal God in the great catastrophe, buried half of the Yin Shang dynasty of Su Daji, is a nine-tailed fox demon.

And now Su Daji under the knee pads, is not the same person!

Think of here, Ji Chengfeng heart that panic, blink disappeared without a trace, but the face appeared a little smile said: "interesting, did not think I should have with Su Daji, actually have a marriage contract in the body..."

"In the great deities, this Su Da Ji is a famous beauty, even compared with those fairies, it can be the existence of not much, and now it has become my unmarried wife..."

Seeing Ji Chengfeng's face, sometimes a head of sweat, and sometimes a slight smile, Ji Wuwei could not help but open his mouth: "I say what your son is thinking, for the father has just told you to remember everything clearly..."

With the sound of Ji fearless's voice, Hime Wind's heart, this is finally completely back to God.

Then immediately opened his mouth and replied: "Father, don't worry, son minister now go to tidy up, tidy up, tomorrow morning in accordance with your old command, first visit the Duke of Su, will confirm this marriage, will bring your daughter-in-law women and children to you..."

"Good, good, good... With your words, the father's heart will be much relieved..."

At this point, Ji Fearless's face was straight: "There is one more thing you have to remember for me, no matter whether you can make a breakthrough or not, you only have ten years at most, and once ten years is up, you must give me back..."

In the face of her fearless command, she did not refute what, saw him nod his head and answered: "obey my father's command..."

"If my father has nothing else to do, then I will retire..."

"Go on..."

Ji fearless did not say anything more, he raised his hand gently wave, directly signal Ji Chengfeng first retreat.

Watching Ji Chengfeng's figure turn away, until his figure disappeared in the field of vision, Ji fearless finally murmured: "As a father, the time is running out, I hope my son's experience this time, can gain something..."

"The Father does not ask you to cultivate to be able to break through, only that you can return safely and have a complete family..."

After a long time, I only saw Ji fearless's aging face, and suddenly broke out an incredible domineering, it is unimaginable that he was seriously injured in the body, and there was such a side.

"The bearer..."

Whisk, whisk...

As Ji fearless gave the order, in the hall where he was the only one, two residual shadows suddenly flashed.

I saw two a strong suit, wearing a face mask, can not see the specific features, with a congenital change of blood peak - peak repair for the figure, immediately full of respect, one knee in front of Ji fearless.

"Shadow one (Shadow two) to the Lord..."

Eyes from the two people swept over, Ji fearless no nonsense what, open directly commanded: "My son is about to be born experience, your task is to protect his safety, if he has the slightest loss, I take you to ask..."

Shadow 1 and Shadow 2, who knelt on the ground with one knee, immediately answered with respect: "Lord rest assured, we must protect the little Lord, if the little Lord has the slightest damage, we raise our heads to see..."

Don't look at two people just a congenital change of blood border repair, but they are Ji fearless childhood training orphans, for them Ji home can be said to be loyal.

And they are twin brothers, since childhood to accept the training of Ji fearless, two people together, even in the face of the general earth fairy, they also have the power to fight, or even to kill it.

At this time, I saw Ji fearless waved and said, "Go down and prepare for tomorrow morning with the wind..."

At the same time, she has returned to her residence, packed up some of her clothes, plus a variety of millennium elixiras, cultivation resources, and all of them were collected into the Wudao ancient lamp.

"With the existence of the Enlightened Way ancient lamp, even without the assistance of any magic medicine, with my own penance only, in less than a year, I can raise the cultivation to the peak of the congenital exchange of blood..."

"Whether it is the cultivation of the orifice, or the change of the earth, or even the Heavenly Gang, it is only a matter of time for me..."

"It is our pulse, the so-called curse, I am very curious, what is behind the ghost, it is best not to let me find clues, catch any handle..."

You can't believe all of what Ji Dauntless said, but you can't be careless.

Once or twice may be an accident, but this pulse of them, as long as they are cultivated to reach the existence above the cultivation of the body, unexpectedly there are accidents, which can be more than just an accident, which must hide a secret!

In addition to this so-called curse, the essence and blood of various gods and monsters are also one of the main goals of Ji Chengfeng's experience.