The Land of the Reiki

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With the loss of time, Ji Fengfeng and shadow two people, one side far behind, shadow one has a radius of hundreds of miles, all of the exploration clearly.

Just let him prepare to return to the two people with the wind, a confluence of time, dozens of miles away from him at this time, a different from the ordinary Reiki wave, immediately let him stop.

Feel the front of the anomaly, shadow a heart to consider, this secretly decided to say: "First go back to meet with little master again..."

Distance from him alone out to find the way, now has been worse than the past two hours, Ji Chengfeng two figures, but also with him has hundreds of miles of distance.

If anything unusual happens during this period, he may not be able to support it at all.

In the face of this situation, shadow a heart almost do not want to think, must be the choice to go back to meet with two people, in the case of ensuring the safety of the wind, and then to explore this abnormal place is not too late!

After the decision in the heart, the shadow looked at the abnormal direction of the world's aura, and the figure did not stop at this time, turned and began to rush back.

When shadow one's figure returned, Ji Chengfeng immediately asked: "How is the surrounding situation, can find any abnormal place..."

In the face of Ji Mingfeng's inquiry, shadow one without any concealment, immediately reported: "The little Lord, we are about two hundred miles away in front of the place, the subordinates found a reiki abnormal place..."

See the shadow a gain, Ji Chengfeng eyes flashed a clean, then saw him wave, a pair of eager to open the way: "Go, we go to explore the situation..."

When the three people went straight to the destination, Ji Chengfeng's heart could not help but secretly said: "It is another place where the spirit of heaven and earth is abnormal, I hope that our harvest this time can have a certain value..."

To reach the three of them now this kind of cultivation, the millennium elixir is almost no help, only tens of thousands of years of elixir, can be considered to have some value!

Relying on the speed of the dragon and horse, the distance was only two or three hundred miles, and the three people did not spend long time, and the trace was already close to that place, and the shadow was an abnormal place of reiki found.

Ji Chengfeng, who ran in the front, sat down and suddenly stopped, only to hear him open his mouth: "The spirit of the world in front is really very abnormal, which actually exhale a trace of destruction..."

"This wave, but so far, we have encountered the strongest, most powerful place where the aura of heaven and earth fluctuates abnormally..."

"If my guess is right, there must be something in front of the robbery, otherwise it is impossible to exude, the slightest breath of destruction, then we can be careful, if we find that the situation is not right, we immediately withdraw..."

Ji Chengfeng finished his words, when he was ready to touch up, shadow one, shadow two secretly looked at each other, have come forward to block his way before.

As he looked at the two people, the shadow came forward and said: "Little Lord, you wait here for a moment, we first go up to investigate the situation, if it is sure that there is no danger, little Lord then approach not too late..."

Although I know the hearts of two people, this is for their own complete consideration, but Ji Chengfeng has a cold hum: "You waste what words, I am out to experience this time, not out to play..."


Shadow a just ready to say what, Ji Cheng Feng eyes cold flash: "this what this, here I say, quickly give me out of the way, it is best not to force me angry..."

Feel the cold light in the eyes of Ji Chengfeng, two people secretly looked at each other, the heart is in a dilemma, and finally can not choose not to compromise.

As Ji Chengfeng said, he is less Lord, shadow one of the two people is just a guard, they simply can not stop Ji Chengfeng decision!

See two people sense to get out of the way, Ji Cheng Feng also don't say much nonsense, I saw him wave, the three dragon horse income in the ancient lamp, then directly with a shadow of two people, went straight to the abnormal place of Reiki.

As the figure of three people gradually approached, as she guessed, not far away from the void, a group of clouds continue to condense, a ray emitting the breath of destruction, is constantly roaring and rolling in the clouds...

When three people hide their own breath, gradually approaching the goal, Ying two suddenly opened his mouth to remind: "Little Lord be careful, I at least feel around, the existence of three more breaths of fairyland..."

Shadow Two's voice just dropped, I saw his eyes pupils shrink slightly, and then immediately opened again: "No, no, there is even a hidden one, at least has the celestial cultivation of the soul..."

Hear the shadow of two reminders, Ji Cheng Feng can not help but not the slightest timidity, but with a little bit of curiosity: "earth fairy, fairy gathered in one place, it seems that we this time, really found a good place, maybe we will have unexpected harvest this time..."

Originally a shadow is want to speak, but when he heard Ji Chengfeng words, the heart already know, even if he wants to withdraw at this time, I am afraid Ji Chengfeng will not listen to their opinions!