Creating Two Avatar

Perhaps feel Ji Chengfeng's body, it seems that what has changed, but what has changed, shadow two heart also can not say.

But Ji Chengfeng this way above, the face of the original relaxed look, at this time is indeed more than a little dignified!

Several times the film two want to open to ask a clear, but when the words to his zui edge, stunned and he was born to swallow down.

One Ji Chengfeng is the Lord, he is the servant, the second he even opened to ask a understand, Ji Chengfeng will not necessarily open, no matter from which side, this kind of thing is not shadow two, he can be around the existence.

Instead of worrying in secret, it is better to focus directly on how to improve your own practice and how to ensure the safety of Ji Feng.

At the same time, after leaving the small village, Ji Chengfeng all the way up, can not help but begin to become a little silent.

Time and again after what small villages, small towns, see those people difficult appearance, Ji Chengfeng heart, the more dissatisfied with their own strength.

Congenital blood exchange later repair, coupled with the imperious Jiuding town world decision, even if the general wonderland existence, do not understand the use of the ancient light under the case, Ji Chengfeng are sure to fight with it.

But as long as you think about it in your heart, let alone a mere fairyland, even if it is a heavenly fairy, a true fairy, or even a golden fairy, the existence of a golden fairyland, placed in this vast wilderness world, it is only a mere ant.

"Fortunately, this is in the territory of the Yin Shang Dynasty, and the people who cut off the teaching are supporting in front, the master of the lich two ethnic groups, more or less are afraid..."

"If it is outside the power of the Yin Shang Dynasty, the Renren want to survive, and how difficult it should be, a mere congenital blood exchange border repair, thrown into it I am afraid even a little water flowers can not lift..."

Let alone a mere congenital exchange of blood, even if the existence of the Dalogin fairyland, the flood world will fall every day, I am afraid that only the existence of quasi-holy land can set off so little wind and waves in the flood.

Unconsciously, half a month of time blink is gone, at this time Ji Chengfeng's repair, finally reached the peak of congenital blood exchange, distance from the practice is only a step away from the thing, can launch an impact at any time.

Ji Chengfeng did not rush to break through at this time, but repeatedly polished the power of qi and blood in his body, so that it became more pure and more handy.

On the contrary, shadow two's cultivation at this time, unconsciously, unexpectedly once again burst a hole, so that their true Yuan is more abundant, the speed of absorbing the power of the stars, also seems to speed up a few points.

It can be said that the cultivation of Ying II is improving almost every day!

However, the cultivation of orifice is the kung fu of water grinding, opening one or two orifice points, and there is no great change in the overall fighting force of oneself, which always corresponds to the land fairy of cultivation.

Only when the 365 points in the body, one of the remaining all burst open, the stars are running around the sky, and the power is endless, then it can be considered to reach the celestial realm of those who cultivate the immortal!

In addition, Ji Chengfeng during this period of time with the understanding of the ancient lamp, according to the characteristics of the Jiuding town world decision, their own deduction, the understanding of the ancient lamp, really let him have an unexpected harvest, push the performance of two types of avatar.

Not so much an avatar, in fact, just barely, just enough to bring his current fighting power to a limit.

If compared with those real avatar, the two moves created by Hime are just stained with a little avatar fur, and are in the initial stage, far from enough!

One of them is called by Ji Chengfeng: congenital a big handprint!

With their own blood and gas force, turned into a blood color big handprint, can attack, can defend, can capture...

Although the avatar is simple, but the attack effect is good, especially for those demon people to use, without leaving a hand to bang down, just the blood energy, enough to suppress the general fairyland.

As for the rest of that kind of avatar, it is Ji Chengfeng according to the Jiudingzhen world decision, directly derived and created, which he called: heaven and earth oven!

With their own blood energy, turned into a giant ding, the enemy directly trapped in the giant ding, with the energy of Qi and blood to obliterate their will, and finally the enemy a blood rou, life refining into blood Dan, for their own cultivation or restore Qi and blood...

This is just a preliminary show of the ability, Ji Chengfeng on their own this kind of magic, the heart can be said to be full of confidence.

In his expectation, the magic of this type of heaven and earth oven can eventually evolve directly into nine giant tripods, each of which can be comparable to those innate spiritual treasures, or even the greatest treasure, and can not only trap and refine the enemy for their own use.

Finally, it can even be used as a real Lingbao, not only for refining, but also for refining.

It can even be used to suppress the Qi of the people directly, as King Yu the Great himself cast the nine tripod in general!