The Man in the Room

After a period of extremely complex steps, step by step down, until the end of the entire rite of passage, it is already two hours later!

Finally, the man who presided over the bar mitzvah spoke up and directly announced, "I now declare that the Bar Mitzvah is officially over..."

"Congratulations, Marquis..."

"Congratulations, Marquis..."

"Congratulations, Marquis..."

As the person who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony officially announced the completion of the coming-of-age ceremony, whether it was the people in the temple, or those gathered outside the temple, one by one immediately opened their mouth to congratulate.

In the face of everyone's congratulations, Su protection stepped forward to signal a little, to everyone have calmed down, he opened his mouth: "Thank you for coming to the ceremony, today is the daughter of this Hou, Su Daji's rite of passage, I take the little girl to thank you for coming..."

Su care of the voice fell, only see Su Da himself, at this time also can not help but step forward, rushed around the people did a ceremony: "Thank you for coming to participate in my rite of passage..."

As she spoke, she saw Su Da Ji shen's hand and pulled the veil off her face.


See under the veil, that magnificent face, only see the temple of the people, one at this time of the eyes, have fallen on Su Da himself, as if the whole eye, are about to fall down.

"It is said that the daughter of the duke has a beautiful appearance, and now it seems that even the fairy in the legend can compare with the daughter of the duke..."

"So beautiful, I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful person in this world..."

"To see such a beautiful face, not in vain, not in vain..."

But what these people did not find is that, with Su Da Ji will take off the veil, only see her eyes at this time, as if looking for something in general, from the people secretly swept over...

Finally, only see Su Da has the eyes, fall into the corner of the Ji Chengfeng body, the heart seems to think of what in general, the face appeared a little red - moist, then can not help will head down.

At this time, Ji Chengfeng side of the shadow, but at this time could not help but open his mouth to mutter: "Little Lord, how do I feel her eyes just now, as if looking for you in general..."

At the same time, see Su Da has his eyes on himself, but a short breathing time, the face appeared a little red - run, that face harm - shame appearance, simply dare not look directly at yourself, Hime by the wind of the zui corner, suddenly could not help but up a warping.

"Cough, cough,


Looking at the appearance of the people at this time, Su protection suddenly coughed heavily, which just let the temple in the stunned people, have from the beauty of Su Da himself, secretly awakened back to God.

As these people came back to their senses, it was not easy for them to turn their eyes away from Su Daji's body, and when they fell on Su to protect them, he opened his mouth:

"Today in addition to the girl's coming-of-age ceremony, I have another thing to announce, that is the girl's marriage..."

Hear Su protect this, one of the purpose is not pure, running with Jizhou Hou married to those princes, the heart can not help but boil up at this time.

However, after a second thought, the hearts of these people suddenly seemed to think of something, only to see their faces one by one, and suddenly could not help but change.

And at this time, only to hear the voice of Su protection, then sounded again: "Perhaps you have heard the news, the little girl has a marriage contract in the body..."

At this point, Su Hu paused slightly, and then this was followed by another: "Today this Hou is no longer hiding anything, when this Hou and Beihai fearless Hou did have a verbal marriage contract in the body..."

Not waiting for Su Hu to finish his words, he only saw those princes around him, one after another, and then one after another could not help but open his mouth: "Since it is a verbal marriage, even if it is not counted..."

"This is true, since it is a verbal engagement, it must not be considered real..."

"I am the son of the Duke of the Pass, and today I formally propose my marriage to the Duke, but also to the Duke can promise..."

"I am the son of Zhongshan Marquis, today officially to Jizhou Hou proposed, but also to the marquis can consider..."


For a while, only to see those princes, one after another can not endure, directly forward to propose, the scene was once as chaotic as the grass market.

Originally these people on the purpose is not pure, now see the appearance of Su Da himself, but also want to take her as their own, that take care of what princes of the identity, one even do not even face, have a thick skin to propose.


See this scene in front of you, not waiting for Su to speak, Ji Chengfeng has not yet said, only heard a cold hum came, and then felt a breath of congenital blood exchange, gradually spread in the temple...