Apollo was driving his car, his sun chariot in the form of a stunning red Maserati sport car, back to Olympus, grinning from ear to ear while feeling like he was the luckiest man in the world. Aphrodite was sitting on the passenger seat to him, but her head was down on his lap, blowing his cock while massaging his balls as he drove her back to her Palace. For an entire day since early morning, the goddess of love had been tagging along with him, following him as he went on his daily trip across the world on his sun chariot turned sport car to bestow heat and light upon the mortal world, visiting many tourist attractions so he could fuck her some more. He had woken at four in the morning with her bouncing on his lap and after a quick morning fuck the two had spent the next hour fucking in his bathroom, where Aphrodite had shown his personal female attendants the proper ways to take care of him. To say the girls had been amazed by her skills would be an understatement.

As usual, her outfit would not look out of place on the set for a porno movie, being a skimpy, sleeveless dress of near transparent pink silk that did not leave much to the imagination. It was stretched heavily around her chest area, and plunged deeply down to her navel to reveal the generous inner slopes of her huge breasts, while leaving her back as well as the sides of her breasts bare. The dress was also very short, that it ended only an inch below her round bubble ass, but the bottom had been pulled up around her waist to give Apollo access to her ass while she was down on his lap sucking his cock. At the moment, he was fondling her ass with her G-string moving to one side, squeezing as much of her supple flesh as he could in the palm of his hand as she continued to work her mouth on his cock.

"Here we are, milady." Apollo said as he parked his car at the front door of Aphrodite's palace, standing up and opening the door to walk out. As he made his way around his sun chariot, his hard cock still poking up and throbbing in arousal, the blonde goddess sat up and gracefully wiped the drool at the corner of her mouth with the tip of her finger, her eyes following his massive manhood as he gentlemanly opened the door for her. He took her hand, but she immediately pushed down to his hard cock, holding onto it as she put her killer heels on the ground and stood up, pulling her dress down to cover her ass with her other hand.

"Thank you, Apollo, for such an amazing date." She said, and leaned up to kiss him lustfully on the lips while pumping her hand around his cock. He smiled and kissed her back, their lips mashing together with drool running down their chins as his tongue tangled with hers, making her moan while his mammoth cock continued to lurch in her hand. "See ya around, handsome." with that said, Aphrodite turned around and made her way into her palace as her servants opened the door for her.

"Shit... I hate it when she does that." Apollo chuckled as he said and returned to his car. Aphrodite was an amazing lover, the best there was, but she was also a cruel teaser, always leaving her sex friends hanging and depressing for more from her, especially those that could fuck her brain out. He would have his chance again with her soon, knowing how slutty she was, but until then he had to find someone else to fuck first.

The smile never left her face as Aphrodite entered her palace, with her handmaidens and male servants greeting her. Every one of them was dressed accordingly to their genders and ranks with the best sluts she had wearing nothing more than transparent ropes around their waists, leaving their torso bare, and a fair amount of jewelry of their choosing, while their less talented sisters wore the tradition French maid uniforms.

On the other hand, their brothers, her male attendants, had to remain topless, and were only allowed to wear pants that had the crotch area removed, leaving their cock and heavy scrotum, as well as behind constantly exposed, unless she decided otherwise. There were also a few rules in her palace, and one of them being a constant state of at least semi hard for the men. Anyone who was discovered to have a flaccid dick would be demoted instantly from their current ranking and forbidden to have sex for three days, which, when living in a debauchery heaven like her palace and with her hanging around, was actually the worst nightmare possible.

"Mistress, welcome back!" greeted a beautiful young woman as she came to stand before her mistress, appearing to be in her twenties standing at the height of five feet eight. Even for normal standard around her palace, she was extremely beautiful, with long, wavy brown hair that fell down to her knees and her green eyes. She was almost completely naked, her outfit consisted of nothing but transparent ropes that left nothing to the imagination as it left her large and bouncy boobs, clean shaven pussy and round bubble ass bare. In addition to the top-tier outfit for sluts of Aphrodite, she also donned sparkling jeweled belly chain and full set of bracelets and anklets to go with the dangling diamond earring. "How was your date with Apollo?"

"It's amazing. We had a lot of sex!" Aphrodite smiled dreamily, making the handmaiden nod her head before she decided to ask "Anything interesting happened here while I was gone?"

"Only the usual, mistress." With that, the goddess of sex dismissed the handmaiden and went to her personal chamber, continued to walk toward her bedchamber under the lustful stares of her servants, smiling at them and running her hands on their impressive assets to return their passionate greeting. With every step, she discarded a piece of her clothing, allowing her dress to fall to the floor and be picked up by a random servant before kicking down her G-string as she walked the stairs to her bedroom.

When she arrived at the area near her bedroom, she heard the unmistakable sounds of sex and saw some a maid bouncing up and down, moaning like a fucking bitch with her own tits smashing her in the face, while the stud that was standing behind her was slammed his massive fucking cock into her asshole from behind like a jackhammer. He had two friends with him, and both of them were having their cock stroked by the maid as they leaned back against the wall, waiting for their turns with her.

She made her way toward them and greeted the three flirtatiously, their heads perking up and eyes immediately gluing to her naked body. "Hey boys! Having fun, aren't we?" She asked, smiling as she approached them.

"Mistress. It's so nice to see you." The one with black hair smirked and embraced Aphrodite with his powerful arms, his hands traveling down to grab her butt and finding a firm grip on her body as they made out. Then, with his hands on her ass, he forced her cunt toward him while simultaneously thrusting forward, forcing the entire of his forearm thick prick into her deliciously tight twat. His friend moved in from behind her and nailed her ass with his cock, causing her to moan out loudly. Holding onto her body from their respective position, the two started to fuck their massive cocks into their mistress as they trapped between them, while their friend who had bottomed out inside the maid could only look on in jealousy, delivering hard and fast powerful thrusts into her body. "Good mother of Zeus, mistress... your ass is amazing." The one behind her bellowed as he fucked her even harder.

"As I have been told." Aphrodite stated casually while smiling at the male servant stood waiting on the side, whose cock was oozing a copious load of semen onto the floor. Between the three, his manhood was the biggest and also the thickest, while his coconut-sized testicles hung heavily between his muscular thighs, full to the brim with potent semen. "Now come on boys, move those hips, fuck me harder."

"Shit, I can't believe I get to fuck you today." The one fucking her pussy cried out as he sped up "This is the best day in my life!" Still pounding their mistress, the two male servants grunted as nearly simultaneously their cocks swelled up and expanded inside her, stretching her even further before blasting two massive doses of semen into her body, cumming harder than they had ever done in their entire life. Groaning, the two continued to fuck their loads into her until their orgasms subsided and stumbled back, almost falling down when their cocks were finally removed from her fuck holes.

Aphrodite smiled sweetly as she remained on her feet, her hand trailing down her stomach as she looked down at them. "Sorry boys, no more me for you two today." Then she turned back to look at the last one, who still could not take their eyes away from her chest, and said with a nod "You on the other hand, will do. Come with me to my room." She said, twirling around to gracefully walk away with a hand on her hips. The stud smirked cheekily at his two friends, before following behind his mistress, smiling at her as he threw an arm over her shoulder and put his hands on her left breast, squeezing and kneading it with gusto.

Line Break

In the darkness of his room, Zeus grunted the grunt of a man who was sexually frustrated, the grunt of a man who was about to give up.

On all four before him was his wife, Hera, who was also his elder sister. They were both children of Kronos and Rhea, but Zeus had been taken aback by her beauty and intelligent. He had cunningly tricked her into confessing her love for him and made her his wife for life after he had fucked her on her own bed, with her finally giving up to his attempts. Their wedding, which had always been described as the most magnificent and grandiose wedding in history, was held in a spectacular celebration on Mount Olympus and was attended by many gods and neutral Titans. Through her marriage to Zeus, the King of Olympus, Hera had become the Queen of the Olympian Gods, and at the time she had been the most beautiful goddess.

Until Aphrodite arrived and carried sexuality with her

Zeus was a very powerful looking man, possibly the most powerful looking. Unlike many other deities, he chose to remain how he had been during ancient times, standing over seven feet tall and was extremely muscular, with shoulder-length black hair and a gray-and-black neatly trimmed beard. He had brilliant electrically-blue eyes and a serious and proud, but very handsome face. However, his most impressive feature had always been his bluntly humongous cock and equally matched nutsack, most impressive in the family. His cock almost went past his stomach, an almost two foot worth of pussy-breaking meat that extended and curved up from his crotch, pulsing with violent sexual energy and constantly leaking a vast amount of semen when aroused. His testicles on the other hand, were massive, as there was no other word to describe them, hanging heavily down from his crotch in a bloated, semen strained sack, capable of producing gallon of semen per second for him to hose down his women.

At the moment, he was having sex with his wife, the first time in a few months because lately he had been spending time with mortal women, trying his best to cum. The reason for it had been simple, he was a man with great needs but Hera had not always been there for him to fuck. Also, lately with so many problems arising around him that needed to be handled with care, Zeus had lost the intense passion he used to have for sex, the fire that he had when his world was still simple and basic had also long gone.

Hera was an extremely attractive goddess, and Zeus could never ask for a better wife. However, it was during their times having sex like this that he found her lacking something, in the form of a pussy and an asshole that could never handle more than two third of his cock. In fact, no woman other than Aphrodite had been able to take his entire dick into her body and still had the will to fuck back at him. It had been decades since the last time he had spent his time having sex with the greatest slut in the history, and because of that it had been a while since the last time he was able to have a decent cumshot.

"Shit!" He cursed loudly and pulled back from his wife, smashing her ass and pushing her away from his cock. Once again, he couldn't cum, despite fucking his wife as hard as he could for the past two hours. She, on the other hand, fell to the bed and cum her brain out, taking several minutes to calm down from her mind blowing orgasm.

"H-honey, what's wrong?" She couldn't sit up, her knees were too weak to do so, and had to crawl her way to him as he sat back and started pumping his cock wildly in his hand, trying to cum on his own. "You... you were unable to cum again?" She stuttered the question in her mind and while her ass and pussy were overflowing with his semen, they were merely pre-cum that he had unloaded while having sex with her.

"I did." He answered seriously. His cock was so hard that it hurt. "Fuck..."

Hera looked at him in lust and sadness. She felt sorry for her husband, and ashamed of herself. She loved him, a cheating husband he was, but she still loved him and she was bonded to him forever.

It appeared that Hera now had to seek help from her. Someone needed to reignite his passion for sex, and SHE was the only one who could do something like that.

It's better her than some random sluts from the mortal world.

Line Break

Aphrodite's head leaned back as she moaned, eyes fluttering as she sat on a loveseat and looked at all the cocks throbbing with morning arousal while their owners lied unconscious on her bed, a scene that she had loved to look at in the morning. She was back in her bedroom, stark naked, as the scanty accoutrements she had worn the previous night had lost somewhere in the room, leaving her erotic curves completely exposed.

"Mistress, Here is your drink." The love goddess turned her head to look at the attractive young man coming to stand next to her, in his hands was an oversized glass full of his hot semen. Smiling gratefully at him, she took it with one hand and reached the other one to the side to grab his throbbing cock.

"Uhm, there's nothing better than the fresh cum of a young man in the early morning." She said, eying the gooey liquid with heart shimmered eyes before bringing it to her lips and taking a small sip to test the quality, instantly loving the taste of his semen as well as its thickness. With a moan, Aphrodite started drinking more, leaning back further into her loveseat and throwing her left leg up on the armchair of her loveseat to expose her pussy while her hand were pumping the hard dick of her servant, who were extremely aroused as he watched her swallowing down mouthful after mouthful of his semen, drinking it like a thirsty woman drinking rich wine.

Then, as she finished her drink, he walked around her and stood above his mistress, grabbing her ankles and bringing them up until he was able to pin both of them above her head, with her knees on either side of her head. Aphrodite cooed as he climbed onto the seat and got into a squat above her before reaching out and taking his cock in her hand to guide it toward where she wanted it, positioning the swollen tip at the entrance into her pussy.

"Mistress..." Rias said as she entered the room, but the male servant paid no mind to her presence and bucked his hips, flexing his ass as he pumped his cock into his mistress' inviting womb, his eyes rolling back "Lady Hera is here to see you."

"Is that so?" Aphrodite asked as the servant above her started moving his hips, fucking her in a lewd excited way "Let her in." With a bow, Rias left the room and returned a moment later with Hera following behind her, seemingly unpleased that she had to meet her daughter in law in her bedchamber while knowing full well what she was doing in there.

"Hey there, mother." Aphrodite greeted her mockingly while still getting slammed by her servant. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Aphrodite." Hera nodded, but only in acknowledgement, because the cheating slut deserved as much. Not even bother to look at the man fucking the goddess of lust, she continued. "Cheating on my son with one of your boy toy, aren't you?"

"Cheating on your son, excuse ma'am, I am not cheating on your son, I am cheating on his dick, which is the only thing that I love about him and the only good thing beside Ares that you pushed out of your cunt." Aphrodite said seriously, causing Hera to throw her an intense glare, but wisely not made any comment about it. "Well then, because I am in the middle of something right now, unless you have business with me, can you leave?" She asked, turning back to smile at the man above her, who grinned down and continued to slam into her womb.

She took a deep breath to calm down. She had already made up her mind, so there was no reason for her to reconsider her options. "I need your help."

"About what?"

"Zeus." Aphrodite did not show any surprise, because it was not the first time Hera had come to her looking for help regarding her relationship with Zeus. In the past she had let Hera borrow her Golden Girdle, a magical artifact that made the wearer, her in specific, completely irresistible to anyone they fancied, on several occasions to make amends with her husband after a particularly unpleasant argument or if she ever wanted something from him. What that they had after that had been so intense that Aphrodite could still smell the scent of Zeus' semen on her Girdle when she wore it. "I want you to have sex with him."

However, Aphrodite did not expect to hear that.

"Excuse me, what?" Aphrodite asked, finally looking at Hera in disbelief. Did Hera just ask her to have sex with her husband? Is tomorrow the end of the world? She couldn't help but think while moaning excitedly, fucking back on the man that was fucking her, making him cum immediately.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Aphrodite." Hera said coldly "I want you to have sex with him. He's been under a lot of stress lately and I cannot help him relief it. He has been feeling unsatisfied no matter how many times we did it." She blurted out, making Aphrodite laugh mockingly while having her cum pumped full of cum. "Shut up before I change my mind."

"S-sorry... it's just..." Aphrodite chuckled as the man above her pulled out and stepped back, allowing her to sit up. "Are you sure it's not because of you?" Seeing the look on her face, Aphrodite smiled and crossed her arms under her breasts as she continued "Very well. I will have sex with him for you."

"At least it's you than some random sluts he found down there." She said finally, making Aphrodite smile in satisfaction "Do whatever you want with him, but remember to leave before the next morning. I do not want to see you around when I return."

Line Break

At lunch, Aphrodite arrived at bronze doors the Zeus' palace, looking every bit of the ultimate, divine and shameless slut she was, shimmering and sparkling under the sizzling sun with a healthy sheen of oil on her body. For clothing, she did not wear any, naked except for a small, diamond chain around her tiny waist, with diamond earrings, stiletto pink heels and finishing with a set of bracelet and anklets on her wrists and ankles. Her golden hair had been cropped short, styling in a bob on her head with several bangs cut above her eyes, which was sparkling green instead of the usual crystal blue.

Zeus arrived to answer her call only a minute after she had knocked on the door and informed his servant about her arrival, towering over her with his impressive height and muscular form. He was still fully clothed, which was a bit of a disappointment to her, but that could be taken care of easily. "My wife came to you, didn't she? She must have been depressed, to come ask for your help." He asked with a small, prideful smirk, eyeing her erotic body with lustful eyes as she put her hands on her hips and leaned her body a bit to the side, striking a sexy pose before him as she looked into his electric blue eyes, powerful like a thunder storm. His hand reached out for her breasts, squeezing it in his hand before trailing down to her butt, his hand sliding his hand with the oil on her smooth skin. "Come on in, you have some work to do." He said, and pushed her into his palace, slamming the door shut and locking it with his power as she looked back at him over her shoulder, twisting her body at the waist so her ass and tits, which could be seen for a generous amount from the sides of her torso, shook and bounce. Zeus removed his shirt, throwing it over his head and revealing his powerful form, making the slutty goddess lick her lips, before wrapping his arms around her smaller but voluptuous figure, embracing her as she tilted her head back and kissed him, sucking on his tongue as he pushed it into her mouth with both arms wrapping around his head. His hands roamed across her body, mauling her breasts as she swayed her hips and rubbed her ass against his repeatedly hardening cock as it strained against his pants, slowly tearing the fabric apart to be free, swinging up between her thighs and smashing into her pussy with enough force to make her cum right on the spot.

Then, she broke away from him, walking away with her labia rubbing on the entire length of his cock. Zeus was quick to discard his pants, or at least what was left of it, and followed her as she walked further into his palace, his eyes following the movement of her amazingly magnificent buttocks, listening to the sound of her heels clacking on the floor. As she walked ahead of him, Aphrodite began to act like she owned the place, running her hands over his statues and furniture, but knocking some of his wife down, causing it to break into million pieces, without even an ounce of embarrassment. She even went on and kissed a few of his female servants, sending them on their knees while cumming harder than they had ever done in their life. Having spent her time at his palace before, she definitely knew her way around his home. The thin layer of oil on her body made her skin shine and her body to look even more erotic than usual.

It did not take it long for her to arrive at his bedroom, which was massive, having been carved out of the very peak of mount Olympus. Cold air blew through the windows that overlooked the incredible city of Olympia and the sparkling New York several thousand feet below. The dome-shaped ceiling was decorated with moving mosaics of a cloudy sky and thunderbolts. As far as the eyes could see, the room had the top quality and most luxury furniture, with golden eagle statues and one intimidating, ten feet tall statue of Zeus and Hera in the middle, near a bed that dominated an entire side of the room, with transparent curtains falling down from the sides.

As Aphrodite climbed onto the bed and turned around to face the King, her foot sinking deep into the soft and comfy mattress, Zeus came at her in full force, his cock spearing into her cunt and lifting her up from the ground. Her face twitched as she came, powerfully around his cock, but the smirk never left her face as she locked eyes with him. Zeus put his hands on her hips, and forcefully yanked her down, impaling her on over two foot of his steel hard meat, causing an obscene bulge in the shape of his dick to appear on her flat stomach as he slammed into her womb. Widening his stance, the God of Thunder started thrusting his cock up into her, while simultaneously pulling her down to meet him, his balls swinging and loudly smashing into her ass. Zeus' face was nonchalant, and he was seemingly unimpressed with her pussy as he fucked her. However, in truth, he was experiencing more pleasure than he had ever had in five hundred years. The last time he had had sex with her had been exactly around that time, when Zeus had had sex with Aphrodite during one of her parties, resulting in Hera throwing a tantrum at him when she discovered he had double teamed her with his brother Poseidon, one of the only times the two of them actually agreed on something and that something was fucking Aphrodite stupid. His reputation had been particularly ruined for many reasons, so after that party, he had decided to hold his lust for her and only received blowjobs from Aphrodite on random occasions, but that had never been enough to satisfy his lust for the goddess of sex.

Starting with slow, but long and powerful thrust, Zeus started to pick up the pace, and Aphrodite could not keep a straight face anymore, losing her composure. She began to moan, as his hands came up to squeeze her breasts, so hard that her flesh oozed out between his fingers. His powerful hips, meanwhile, did a very fine job bouncing her on his cock, hitting her so hard she was sent into the air before he allowed gravity to handle the rest, pulling her down his humongous colossal. The Goddess of lust started whimpering and shuddering while her womb was getting punched around from the inside, his brutal cock stretching her cunt to its limit.

Then, Zeus thrust his cock into her pussy once last time, nailing his cock as deep as she could into her before moaning loudly in pleasure, his balls clenching and imploding from the pressure of his orgasm, the first in a very long time and in the name of his mother did it feel amazing to blow a mind shattering load into Aphrodite while she also came around him. The sound of his semen rushing into her body was so loud it sounded like water being pumped into a pool. Aphrodite could only shiver while she was still being impaled on him, muttering something her breath that made him come even harder than he had intended. Her eyes were still looking up at him, shimmering with pink hearts in her pupils, and a long strand of drool hung from the corner of her mouth.

As he pulled out and his semen flowed out of her pussy in waves, she was still standing, only stumbling a bit, and the smile on her face reminded him of a woman who had been sexually broken, but that was the scary part because he knew she was still fully aware of whatever she was doing, and that how she was. Still smiling, she walked toward him and leaned in to kiss him hard on the lips, her hand caressing his trim beard before kissing her way down his muscular chest. He was as muscular as his son, but Ares' muscles were bulky, while Zeus seemed a bit more define and lean. Nonetheless, she kissed around his chest, licking around and sucking on his nipples, and then trailed down to his abs, harder than diamond before kneeling with her cheek rubbing the side of his cock, nuzzling her face his bloated scrotum. She inhaled deeply, taking in his masculine scent before moving her head back and using both hands to push his cock up, pressing the monstrous dong against his body as she went in to give his balls a wet, lewd kiss, making out with them like she was kissing her lovers. Zeus hissed in pleasure as her hands traced circles on his cock while rolling his left nut with her tongue, causing it to lurch and shoot ropes of pre cum into the air, flying over her head and landing somewhere on the other side of the bed.

"Such powerful scent..." She whispered sultrily, speaking to him for the first time "Your cock is magnificent as you are, my king." She said, and kissed her way up his cock, making him smirk as he looked down at her, and almost lost it when he saw the look she was giving him. As she finally went over two third of his shaft, Aphrodite had to stand up and get into a squat to continue, arriving at the swollen head while standing and bending down a bit. There, she kissed and licked around his glans, before pushing as much of her tongue into his cum slit as she could, making him moan out as she also enveloped his helmet with her bimbo lips. He could even feel her drool magically trickling down the inside of his cock, flowing into his scrotum and further enchanting the quality of the overflowing liquid inside, making his semen get even thicker, and hotter, to the point he could feel the heat on his own. Relentlessly, she pulled back but then went down her mouth opening as wide as she could to take in his cock, slurping down the girthy monster as it traveled into her mouth, then down her throat. Zeus' head rolled back as she swallowed two third of his cock without so much trouble, at the same time using her amazing tongue skills to service him. To make it even better for him, she hefted her tits up with both hands and wrapped them around the part that she did not cover with mouth, making his eyes roll back as she squeezed her marshmallowy pillows around his dick. His cock even seemed to swell as she started pumping her breasts around it while working the rest in her mouth and throat, finding a perfect rhyme for the entire process and soaking the whole thing in her throat slime and saliva.

"I'm cumming, here, drink my load." Zeus thundered as he moved his hand through his hair and blew his load, with the first two seconds of his one minute first shot filling her stomach and backing up her mouth completely. However, she did not spill even a single drop, and swallowed his cum down before it could overflow from his mouth, continuing to move her tits around his cock as much as she could as she pulled her head back and allowed only the bulbous head to remain, letting him dump his load directly into her mouth. Eventually, his orgasm came to an end, and she let his cock twitch in her throat for a minute more before pulling back, releasing his cock and allowing it to swing back up, towering over her head.

With a smile, Aphrodite turned around and started crawling away on her hands and knees, with him following behind her. Her head was so low body pressed down so that her swollen tits brushed against the mattress of his bed, nipples fully erected and sensitive as her ass raised up, rocking back and forth, with buttocks actually clapping together softly as she crawled before him like an obedient slave. Then, when she arrived at her destination, the head of the bed, Aphrodite put her face and tits down, but let her ass remaining in the ass, turning around and pulling her ass cheek to the side, showing her tiny rim of her asshole. Zeus smirked, and got into position behind her, his hand smashing and spanking her butt, before he leaned in to lick around her asshole, pushing his tongue in when his face was buried between her supple ass cheeks. He ate her ass for a full ten minutes, before standing up, grabbing her wrist and positioning his cock at the tiny hole between her buttocks, smirking victoriously as he speared his cock in. Her eyes rolled back into her skull as she came, but Zeus merely widened his smirk and started fucking her.

For an entire evening, Aphrodite serviced her king, the father of her husband and her lover, as he thrust into her with the powers to leave a normal woman or even a minor goddess crippled, but that was nothing to her and she fucked him back just as hard, making him cum harder and more than ever. His cock never softened, and so did his resolve. Aphrodite was able to take load after load of his semen, using her magic to clean up every time he had pulled out of her, so he could go in to give her more. He fucked her all around her bedroom, in every hole, every position. The goddess of sex spent much time being dominated, but there were times that Zeus allowed her to climb onto his cock and ride him to his orgasm, but that was about as much domination as she could get, for he was a prideful, egotistic god king.