Where Is Blake?

After lunch, Delilah headed back to her office and spent the afternoon going through more documents, meeting with various team members, and getting a feel for the projects they were working on.

The day had stretched her patience thin, and the phone call with her father and Blake's text only added to the emotional strain.

She did anything and everything to keep her mind busy and distract herself from thoughts of her father and Blake.

The day flew by in a whirlwind of activity, and by the time she looked up, it was already late afternoon and it was time to go home.

Her emotions were a matted mess of old wounds and fresh frustrations as she drove home, and she felt a heaviness in her chest as she approached her front door.

As soon as Delilah stepped inside, Jessica, who was curled up on the couch with a book, looked up, her brow furrowing as she watched Delilah kicking off her shoes with a frustrated huff.