Falling Face Flat

Damon looked from Sabrina to Alex and then raised a brow, "What's going on between you two, anyway? Was that flower really for Bree?" Damon asked Alex.

Sabrina raised a brow, "What flower?" She asked, and then caught sight of the single rose on the conference table.

"Yeah. It is for her, but for show. I'm taking it to her office," Alex said, choosing not to respond to what Sabrina had said.

Damon frowned, "I don't understand."

"Sabrina begged me to marry her…"

"Beg?" Sabrina asked incredulously, "Don't be ridiculous. I'm paying you to marry me," she corrected, then looked at Damon.

"Madam Quinn wants me to get married. So, I'm paying him to be my husband for the time being," she explained.