
A loud creaking noise woke up Nicolas from his slumber. It was already bright and the sun's rays are slowly making their way to his retreat. It took him a minute before convincing himself to get up and check what in the world was the obnoxious creaking is all about.

"Is this large clock broken again. Seriously, just every week?", he complained, vigorously rubbing his eyes as he let out a yawn. He had all the complaints he could think of waiting to be said when he's suddenly struck with a thought. "It's Saturday", eyes wide as he whispered to himself, looking down at the maintenance man who's already half-way up the old creaky spiral staircase.

He can already hear the whistles made by the man to a tune of something he could not recognize, interrupted by the occasional coughing. It made his heart rise more than the chase yesterday. With not enough time to collect himself, he quickly wore his cloak to make some space and stuffed all of his belongings in a bag, not even bothering to arrange them. This was the first time that he's this close to being caught, all because he overslept.

A loud thud made him know that the man is already at the top, the same time when he jumped off the open space from the other side.

"I can't let them find out that I'm sleeping there for free", he brushed off the sweat on his forehead. The thought of being caught while he's still floating in a dream woke him up down to the bones. "If they decide to put guards up there I don't know where else could I sleep safely next time", he was prepared to stroll away when he remembered one crucial mistake he made. "My goodness, Nicolas", he scratch his head, pulling his hair like a deranged man, "I forgot the fish."

Sprinting as fast as he could, he made his way back to the tower. Trying to be quiet and sneaky as possible, he ascended the stairs. Minding his every step, he put all his effort into avoiding the creaky parts of the staircase until he finally reached the top. To his relief, the man was on the other side of the cogs and did not seem to notice the fishes beside the entrance.

"There you are", said the man, startling him as he tried to reach for the dried fishes. He's sitting with his back towards Nicolas but still, he knew someone was there.

All of his hair stood up in shock as he thought he'd die from a heart attack. "How did he know", Nicolas could only wonder as he finally grabbed what he came for and ran like his life depends on it. It was a sure escape but another call for a conversation stopped him.

"Could you spare me a moment before you go?", the man asked. He's still busily reconfiguring the parts of the clock as Nicolas only replied silence. "I know someone's been staying here", the man gently advised as if he was talking to a very familiar person.

The boy could only pity himself as he slowly turned around, "I'm sorry. I'll leave as soon as possible", he assured him, not taking a step from where he stood.

"There's no need my boy", the statement alone melted Nicolas's heart. It's been so long since someone addressed him that way, back when he's still close to her mother's caring and warm embrace. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone"


"Hmmm? Do I need a reason to let you have a place to sleep?", the man heaved, dislodging another part of the clockwork for a new one.

"What if I'm a bad person? A person who can kill anyone in cold blood, or someone who won't hesitate to shoplift for no good reason, would you still—", he held back, leaving the atmosphere blank only to let the clank and cranks from the maintenance fill the air.

"Can you say to yourself that you are indeed a bad person?", the man once again asked.

"I…", he tried pushing his point but his voice failed him, leaving him with a sour face.

"See, you can't answer the question", the man coughed as he go. "I trust you, my boy. After all, you're just a human just like me. We all need to do some things in order to survive, that's all there is to it."

Nicolas just sulked in the corner losing the will to counter the man's assuring statements.

"You can stay here for as long as you like—", there was another long pause before he let out an intensified cough, "Or for as long as I live", the man laughed breaking the awkward silence. It was supposed to, but even his laughter sounded more like a rough cough. Nicolas watched him as he took out a handkerchief then wiped the blood from his mouth.

The gears took over the atmosphere.

"How long have you known", Nicolas asked when the coughing finally registered to him. He was thankful that the man is facing away, for he knew that he might be talking to man who's almost at the end of his race.

"About a month or two at least", he coughed again, sounding as if his lungs are about to fall off. "This place does not clean itself you see. I immediately knew someone's staying here because it's always clean when I do my repairs"

"I got caught because of my desire to have a clean place to sleep", Nicolas laughed. "And after all that time you kept quiet about it… thank you. You can have two of these fishes, consider it as my gratitude"

"What's your name young man?"

He wanted to turn down the question but hushed himself instead. After reconsidering, he told him the name he also gave to that girl named Alice, "Nick, just Nick"

"That's a nice name", he prepared to stand up. "Well then Nick, see you again next Saturday", he added as he stood up but immediately wobbled down like a drunk man to his side. Nicolas ran up and caught him as he's about to hit the floor, "If I'm at least alive till then of course"

It was a rather sad encounter, not the kind of interaction Nicolas would want to start his day but ironically, just a few moments later, he found himself assisting the man home, deciding to call him 'uncle' and aided him all the way through. His desire to help is pure but he never bothered to ask his name, and surprisingly the man did not find the need to tell him too. Which to where he was grateful. The feeling of losing someone dear is still clear in his heart and memory, so he'd rather not have unnecessary interactions with a dying man.

The walk was a bit lengthy and the busy streets even made traversing the way harder, moreover, it was on the complete opposite side of the town, so he wondered what drives the man to keep on going despite his disease. It did not take him long to find the answer.

They were greeted by a young girl just as they got into the vicinity of a small, old, and a deteriorating shack. Its surroundings were overgrown with weeds and the walls are painted green with vines and shrubs.

"Grandpa, welcome home", she exclaimed with a bright smile as she sprinted towards his grandfather's arms.

"I'm back, my dearest", the man gently hugged her even more. It was a heartwarming scene but Nicolas can't help but notice that he's holding back a cough. "Look what I have"

"Fish? I love fish", the little girl beamed even more, her eyes now sparkling with joy and amazement.

"This young man here gave it to me", the man presented him.

Nicolas watched the girl. Her eyes were weary as she slowly examined him from the strands of his hair to the tip of his toe as if she's cautiously investigating and reading him like a book, trying to find fault to this young man. She paused and met him in the eyes before finally projecting a smile. "Thank you, mister", her smile was so genuine he almost saw a silhouette of Alisa in her.

"Right, she was about this age when I last saw her", he thought before walking towards the little girl and gave her a gentle pat on the head, returning a smile, "You're welcome."

"Well then, we should get going now Nick. You might have something else to do, and I'm fine now. Thank you for your assistance", the man patted him on the back.

He might fool the little girl but not Nicolas, he knows the feeling of saying fine when in reality, it's much worse. "No worries", He felt a bit of pity for the girl for he knows that she might wake up one of these days and find his grandpa unconscious, cold, and not breathing. But still, he waved them goodbye, wishing that nothing bad would ever befall them. Deep down in his heart he hoped for it to come true.

The bright sunny day slowly succumbed to the thick dark gray cluster of clouds. They blocked every single ray the sun could direct at Yggdryas as the wind started its song. While everyone is rushing around the streets trying to find a place to let the thunderstorm pass, Nicolas can only smile from ear to ear while taking his sweet time.

"Nice", he sighed, taking a deep breath, crossing the road with his full attention to the sad sky. He loves the rain more than any sunny day that he would even pay to see this kind of gray than any blue sky. The smell of the soil after it was showered by the first drops of rain gives him a sense of peace and joy.

Planning to take refuge in one of the nearby stores, he stumbled upon a lady, her cart was stuck on some rock and its heavy cargo only made her struggle agonizing. It was the same lady he helped the other day. She's a bit pale and thin, her head draped hints of white hair that's starting to appear, the wrinkles on her skin are also doubling folds every time he sees her. With not much to do, he decided to help.

"Oh, it's you again", the woman cried in relief as Nicolas approached her. He just returned a smile, already knowing what the lady meant.

"You can go ahead ma'am. I'll push it after you."

"Such a thoughtful boy", she tapped him by the shoulder before going on ahead.

"No worries", he does this with his own accord but although he hates to admit it, a part of him is hoping for vegetables in return. "Living with no sure source of food is hard", They sat under one of the shades of a shop that's been selling some clothes. The owner was kind enough to let them pass the rain there.

"A trait that's not common on this day and age", Nicolas can only thank the owner with a smile. He had experienced asking for shelter from strangers before and he sure knows how cruel this world and its people can be. Some of them was considerate enough to apologize saying "I'm sorry but I can't help you" with a sad look in their eyes, but most had just brushed and chased him away like a stray unwanted dog without giving much of a care.

"You remind me of my son", the woman blurted.

"Your son?"

"Yes, if I remember it correctly, by now, he would be your age", she sighed while arranging her goods, "How old are you now young man?"

Again, the impulse to push everyone away started to kick in like a sixth sense, but Nicolas felt that she could trust the lady. Besides, she's just asking for his age, nothing more. "I'm 17, next Saturday"

"Hmmm… Just as I thought, but he's a year older than you", the woman chuckled before getting back on sorting her vegetables. After making sure that they're secured, she sat down in a corner to rest.

Nicolas joined her, wanting to relax in this beautiful afternoon, "Where is he now?"


"Your son", Nicolas waited but there was no reply. Only the rain can be heard and the occasional distant thunder dared to cause a ruckus as flashes of lighting illuminates the dark town for brief seconds. With its help, Nicolas noticed that the lady is wiping her eyes, her arms slightly shaking as she tried to collect herself, bracing her chest as if she's having trouble breathing.

"Are you okay?", he let his curiosity get the best of him. He's a bit worried that the lady might indeed be having some kind of trouble, what would happen to his free vegetables if that happened. Again, there was no reply but the lady slowly met him straight in his eyes. He saw his reflection through them as tears started to cloud the bottom of her eyes.

"He… he's… dead", the tears finally took a toll and it finally flowed down her cheeks. Nicolas felt the cold breeze as he watched the old lady weep.

With no words to describe what he is feeling, he later found himself holding the old lady in a tight embrace. He knows that he should not be feeling this much of concern but somewhere in his heart he felt that this lady had been through a lot. He offered his shoulder as the lady let out everything.

"What happened to him", he wanted to ask but changed his mind thinking that it might break the poor lady's heart into tinier pieces. It would be too insensitive of him to ask, so he went silent and let her release everything she's been suppressing until now, hearing out her regrets, hearing out her woes.

When the rain finally came to a rest, the old lady again generously gave him some vegetables, specifically potatoes. "I'm sorry my boy, this is all I could give", she still sobs but feels light enough to finally smile.

"No madam, I can't accept this. You need it more than I do."

"No, I insist. Just consider it as my gratitude for everything", she pushed Nicolas's hand assuring him that it's fine. "Think about it as an advanced birthday present from me", His heart felt warm all of a sudden, and the kind smile the lady was projecting melted it like butter. He had no choice but to accept with no more protest.

While Nicolas is having a good day, Alice on the other hand is busily and cautiously following him from afar, letting her curiosity run wild in a different kind of way.

"He really is a good person", she thought as she watched him comfort the old lady.

Earlier today, she had plans to stroll around town but when her vision took a glance of the boy he met the day before, she ended up following him instead.

"Maybe I should get going now", she told herself, but her actions says otherwise. She continued following the boy as he explored around town, until slowly, he made his way to a lesser crowded street.

"I'm not a stalker or anything. I'm just curious", she whispered. "I mean, all he did today were unexpected. Think about it, I never thought he'd be willing to help a man he doesn't know and even let a total stranger cry on his shoulder. Wouldn't it make you curious too?", she continuously talked to herself, convincing her being that what's she's doing is right and acceptable.

Another angry cloud came, ready to whisk some more rain over the town.

"Where the heck is he going, for goodness's sake it's about to pour", she exhaled as she successfully followed Nick at an empty lot on the deserted alley situated at the far edge of the town.

Keenly gazing at Nicolas as if he's an extremely suspicious entity, she peered through a small gap between the boxes where she hid, pulling her cloak over her head as Nicolas scanned the surroundings.

Alice who's still gazing is determined to know what the boy is up to. She never took her eyes off of him. Not when he moved closer to the boxes and placed his belongings there, not even when Nick started to remove his cloak, shirt, and later, his trousers. He was too sure that no one is around and that he only left his undergarment to safeguard his humility.

"What in the world is he doing", she covered her mouth as to not let her shriek be heard, hitting her head on the boxes as she tried to look away. Luckily for her, the rain is louder and Nick happily ran on the open field, not noticing anything.

She looked away, her face red like an overripe tomato and her eyes wide as she desperately tried to stop herself from freaking out. Alice really wanted to leave but the rain would not let her now. So once again, she took a peek. To her disbelief, Nicolas was only standing there, his head facing upwards with a faint smile, nonetheless he looked delighted. He just stood there without a single care in the world. Even if the cold rain and breeze might give him colds, he just stood there, at peace.

She's in awe, not believing her eyes on how lean he was despite looking thin and weak under his clothing. His muscles are well defined but that's not what her eyes had strayed onto, rather, it was his scars, the kind that you wouldn't normally get during a fist fight but with swords. Moments later the rain started to weaken and Nicolas finally decided to move on.

Alice's face turned red once again. "No—", she exclaimed, "Don't face this way", she hoped. But unfortunately, Nicolas was oblivious of his stalker and headed right back to where he left his clothes. She soon knew the problem of undergarments when they get wet. They tend to hug whatever they are hiding.

"Goodness—", she retreated to the far corner of her hiding place before Nick got back. "Maybe that's really enough spying for today, I've seen more than enough", she finally convinced herself, still bearing her red face, "And maybe I'll just ask him directly about the things I want to know", she whispered to herself while tailing Nicolas as the boy walked back towards the busy streets.

Nicolas, for a moment, stood at the foot of the clock tower, checking everything, making sure that no one is paying attention. Alice on the other hand was about to cross the road and approach him when a carriage came passing by and cut her off.

"Watch where you're going, do you have a death wish", the coachman angrily yelled at her as he barely managed to control the carriage away from disaster. It was a fancy carriage, the kind that might be carrying a Noble inside, Alice thought so too.

"Filthy peasant"

"Now that confirms it", Alice groaned as she sharply stared at the carriage. "Filthy peasant my ass, DIE", she exclaimed back as it finally got a fair distance. Desperate to catch up to Nick, she hurriedly ran across the road. Her boots got stuck in the wet soil and she spattered at the mud. Miraculously clutching herself before her face met the ground. "Can't this day be any worse, first, the beautiful sunny day became gray, now this? Stupid weather", she continued complaining as she tried to whisk the mud off her hands and dress before pulling her boots free.

With everything suddenly going opposite of what she imagined her day to be, she's still determined to talk to the boy. It wasn't long enough till she found the familiar stance standing in front of a shop, "Did the guilt finally caught up to him?"

She would never doubt that posture. After all, it's from the person who helped her and the person she's been stalking all day. Her face still turns a bit of a blush when she thinks about what delight she saw back there.

"Hey Nick", she approached as she garnered the courage to talk to him but the boy does not seem to be paying attention to whoever was calling to him. "Hey", she kept on repeating but got no response. "Nick, I'm talking to you", she started to grow tired of being snubbed. So, she placed her hand on the boy's shoulder and forced him to face her, "Face someone if they're talking to you will you". Her face turned red once again and at the same time her eyes went wide.

"DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO", the boy erupted facing her with boiling rage.

"Someone please, please kill me. May the ground swallow me at this exact moment", she thought as she flickered a faint awkward smile. Although surprised that he resembles Nick, there are two things that sets them apart, mainly this other person's sharp gaze and blond hair. "Sorry", she could only apologize for her mistake, "Please, someone, save me from this humiliation"

"What do you want", the boy rudely asked, stressing the fact that he did not like what Alice did.

"S— Sorry, I mistook you for someone I know"

"Then get the hell out of the way", the boy plainly said, not in an angry roar and not even a shout. He said it so emotionlessly but he sure looks tired of whatever shit he's dealing with. The boy, without wasting time, strolled away from her and disappeared into the crowd without bothering to look back.

Alice was left there, humiliated from the interaction. "I already apologized you know…", she whispered to herself trying to ease her mortification.

She's not yet done blaming herself when her chest suddenly constricted. Breathing suddenly became a painful and difficult job, her body aching from some kind of pressure that's pressing her to the ground. "What's this? It— it feels like my soul is— my soul is being crushed", she fell to her knees, her eyes are wide and full of worry, and her lips won't stop trembling as she held on tightly to the shop's table for aid.

"Are you okay young lady?", the shopkeeper asked but Alice does not seem to be paying any attention. All she can think about is that unknown force and how its presence is keeping her on edge.

"I need to know what that is", she uttered as she looked at the sky towards the direction of wherever that ominous feeling is coming from. Forcing herself to stand, her knees rebelled as if telling her not to go. She tried once again, this time with more determination as she inhaled, trembling as the air did its cycle. Placing her hands to her shaking knees she pleaded, "Stop, I— I need to go."