Chapter 3 Timeline of the Beginning of the Story

 "Karl, what happened to you just now?"

  As soon as Carl walked out of the tent, he ran into Lori who was coming back from hanging up the clothes.

  Carl did not hesitate as if he had completely integrated into this role. He said, "It's okay. I just felt a little uncomfortable just now. I'm fine now."

  "Are you okay?" Lori squatted in front of Carl, measured the temperature of Carl's forehead with the back of her hand, and measured her own temperature for comparison. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Good boy, if you feel uncomfortable, just sleep a little longer."

  "No, I'm really fine now."

  "Okay then." Lori stood up and patted Carl on the shoulder. "Sophia is over there, go play with her, but promise me that you will never leave the camp."

  "I want to play with Sean. Mom, where is Sean?" Carl called out the word "Mom" without any hesitation.

  "I heard someone calling my name, let me see who it was, oh, it was little Carl."

  Sean suddenly appeared from somewhere and rubbed Carl's head with a smile on his face.

  Carl could only helplessly endure the ravages of the big hand on his head.

  To be honest, when Carl first watched the show, he couldn't understand why Sean liked Lori so much, not to mention why he liked Carl so much.

  But if you can't figure it out, just forget about it. Anyway, Carl is sure that Sean is sincere to him, and Carl now doesn't have the mind of a little kid.

  "Why did you suddenly show up? You scared me." Lori said to Sean coquettishly.

  Sean smiled and said, "Didn't you hear Karl's call? Go and do your work first. I will keep an eye on Karl."

  Lori nodded, obviously very relieved about Sean, but still subconsciously reminded, "Don't take him away from the camp."

  "Don't worry." Sean agreed readily, with a warm smile on his face all the time, as if he was immersed in happiness, without any feeling that it was the end of the world where zombies were everywhere.

  Lori squatted in front of Carl again and reminded him, "Remember to listen to Sean and don't be naughty."

  "I know." Carl obviously didn't want to listen to Lori's nagging. It turned out that all mothers in the world were the same. And the most important thing was that Li Mo's subjective consciousness actually didn't like Lori.

  "Sean, let's go." Carl pushed Sean away.

  Sean smiled helplessly at Lori, then picked up Carl and said, "Carl, what do you want to play?"

  Carl did not answer, not because he did not want to answer, but because Carl's attention was attracted by the "Combat Power Scanner".

  Just now Carl scanned Sean's combat power, and then the translucent blue light screen appeared in front of Carl.

  This time the light screen is much smaller than before, and it is translucent, so the impact on vision is almost zero.


  Physical fitness: ★★★★☆ (four and a half stars)

  Gun skill: ★★★★★ (five stars)

  Fighting: ★★★★ (four stars)

  Overall rating: 92

  Note 1: Physical fitness, marksmanship, and fighting skills all have five stars, and the comprehensive evaluation has a full score of 100, which represents the limit of human combat power. The average score for a normal adult is 60.

  Note 2: Combat power is just a reference. In a battle between two parties, the party with higher combat power will not necessarily win. This involves the influence of many factors, including but not limited to environment, status, and mentality.

  Without the data of others, Carl didn't know how Sean compared to others, but being able to score above 90 points definitely made him a top-notch fighter among humans.


  Sean's call brought Carl back to his senses. At this time, Sean had already taken Carl to sit under a big tree, right next to the camp.

  Sean asked, "Carl, what were you daydreaming about just now?"

  "I'm thinking about something."

  "Oh? Tell me what you're thinking about."

  "I can tell you, but you have to promise me something first."

  "What's the matter?" Sean felt something was wrong.

  "Promise me first."

  "No, you have to tell me what it is first."

  "Okay." Carl sighed helplessly, "I want you to teach me fighting and shooting."

  Although he knew that he would most likely be rejected if he said it directly, Carl still wanted to try.

  But surprisingly, Sean did not refuse at the first time, but frowned and fell into deep thought.

  "How is it?" Carl urged impatiently.

  Sean raised his head and looked at Karl, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a solemn, "I can promise you, but you must get your mother's consent first."

  "Can you please not tell her? She will definitely not agree." Carl pleaded weakly.

  Sean looked directly at Karl and shook his head firmly, "Listen to me Karl, this is a big deal, and you must ask your mother's consent.

  Of course, I also know what the current situation is. I can understand that you want to practice shooting. You want to protect yourself and your mother.

  But Carl, I'm here to protect you. Of course, I also think you need to practice shooting, and I'll help you convince your mother, how about that?"

  "Okay, thank you." After meeting Sean, Carl, who already liked Sean when watching the show, liked him even more.

  But Carl suddenly discovered a very critical problem: how should he resolve the conflict between Sean and Rick.

  As long as Lori exists, the problems between the two seem impossible to solve, and Lori in the play has repeatedly tried to sow discord between the two brothers, both overtly and covertly.

  Things didn't seem as simple as he had originally thought, and Carl's mood became heavy.

  "Carl, what's wrong with you today? You seem depressed and often distracted." Sean patted Carl's shoulder gently and asked worriedly.

  "It's okay." Carl shook his head and suddenly asked, "Sean, did you know that Glenn and the others went to Atlanta?"

  "Why are you asking this suddenly?"

  "Tell me how long they were gone."

  Seeing that Carl insisted, Sean had to say, "We do have plans to go to Atlanta to collect supplies, but we haven't gone yet. The plan is to go in a few days.

  How did you know this? Did you eavesdrop on our discussion? "

  Carl was suddenly startled. Indeed, he was very different from the original Carl. People who were close to him could easily see that something was wrong with him. It seemed that he had to be more careful.

  But since Sean had already thought of a reason for him, Karl naturally followed Sean's words and said, "I'm sorry, I overheard it by accident."

  Sean rubbed Carl's head and said, "What's there to be sorry about? It's not a secret. If you heard it, you heard it."

  Carl nodded, but began to calculate in his mind. If Glenn and his group had not yet left for Atlanta, then Carl would know what time it was now.

  Now should be the time when Rick wakes up from the hospital. Excluding the process of Rick being shot which is not considered a formal plot, now is the time when the plot officially begins.

  Rick spent the first day after waking up at the Morgan father and son's house. Then he had to rob the police station and rush to Atlanta.

  So if Glenn and his crew went to Atlanta again a few days later, they would just happen to run into them. It has to be said that the time when the mysterious man said the plot started was really rigorous.

  So, how should I change the plot in these few days? There are mainly two points that Carl wants to change now.

  The first and most crucial thing is Rick's return. It's not that Carl doesn't want Rick to return, but if Rick returns and with Lori's presence, only one of the two brothers Sean and Rick will be left.

  Carl wanted both of them to survive, not only because he loved their characters, but also because the world was dangerous.

  In addition to the zombies, various forces are rampant, and he is just a child now. Without the protection of others, he will definitely not survive for more than three days even with those almost cheats.

  The second point is somewhat insignificant compared to the first. In Atlanta, Moore will break a hand.

  Of course, when I first watched the drama, especially after watching it several times, the current Carl, former Li Mo, still liked the character of Moore very much.

  Although More is indeed a bad-mouthed person, he is not an unforgivable villain. Especially his resolute choice to sacrifice himself in the end elevates the entire character.

  However, Moore's Atlanta only had a broken palm, and Carl thought that Moore's later appearance was still very handsome.

  It would be fine if we just stop More from dying later, but even though that plot is in the third season, it's already several years later.

  If circumstances permit, Moore can be prevented from going to Atlanta. Keeping Moore in the team will add another powerful force.

  But when Carl thought of More's character, he became worried again. He was afraid that More's character was not something he could easily change.

  Carl sighed and put his thoughts aside. It really wasn't as simple as he had imagined. These plots were all interconnected and were not so easy to change.

  Karl raised his head and found that Sean was looking at him straight. Karl couldn't help but said in a panic, "Sorry, I was distracted again."

  "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go back and rest for a while?"

  Sean didn't realize the crux of the problem. It was normal for a child to have mood changes. The only thing Sean was worried about was that Carl was sick.

  There are not many medicines stored in the team now, and it is not so easy to get some medicines in this world.

  "I'm fine." Carl suddenly stood up and smiled, "Sean, come and play with me."

  Seeing that Karl didn't look too sick, Sean breathed a sigh of relief and followed Karl, "Where do you want to go?"

  Carl thought for a moment and said, "Sean, Daryl and Moore are hunting now, can you take me to see them hunting?"

  "No." Sean refused without even thinking. "I don't know where they are hunting, and the jungle is very dangerous. I can't let you take the risk."

  I wanted to take a closer look at my two favorite characters, Carl, but my idea was dashed. However, when I thought that they would come back sooner or later, I didn't feel too dissatisfied.

  "Okay, then can you take me around the camp? I want to see what everyone is doing."

  "No problem, but everyone has their own things to do, you can't disturb them." Sean spoke in a tone like coaxing a child.

  "Don't worry, I won't make any trouble." Carl was getting more and more into the role and had no pressure in pretending to be a child.


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