Chapter 22 Night


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Ed was lying on the ground, squinting his eyes, looking like he was unconscious or asleep.

Moore didn't care about that. He walked to Ed with an arrogant step and kicked Ed like he was kicking garbage.

"Hey, Fatty, stop pretending to be dead."

"What are you going to do?" Seeing that he could no longer pretend, Ed opened his eyes, but his eyes were narrowed. He tried to hide the resentment and anger that were about to overflow from his eyes.

But who is More?

To put it bluntly, he is just a gangster.

Moore had seen all kinds of people, so how could he be fooled by Ed's poor acting skills?

"What am I going to do? Fatty, do you think Mr. Moore can't see it? You should be very tough at home; why are you so cowardly now?"

As he said that, Moore kicked Ed again, this time with a little more force.

There was no way that Ed's domestic violence against Carol could be hidden from everyone else in the camp; it was almost an open secret.

It is also because of this that Ed has a bad reputation in the camp.

Even though Sean was watching next to him, he didn't say anything to stop Moore. It was because of him that Ed deserved it.

Perhaps because of his family background when he was a child, Moore especially looked down on these scum and waste who were timid in public but arrogant in front of their own family.

"Hand over the gun, or Mr. Moore will really be rude to you."

More spun the dagger in his hand, and the dagger seemed to turn into a living butterfly, dancing around More's palm.

  "I..." Ed's teeth were about to break, his eyes closed tightly, and then he opened, "Here you go!"

Ed's hand suddenly reached down his body, and his movements were very fast. He didn't look like he would hand it over obediently.

"You bastard, I knew you were going to play tricks." Moore laughed arrogantly and stepped directly on Ed's hand.

  "Ah!!!" Ed screamed out loud.

Instead of moving his foot, Moore increased his strength.

Sean then spoke up, "Okay, Moore, the others should be here soon."

"Of course." Moore turned around and smiled, moved his feet, squatted down, and took out a pistol and a box of bullets from under Ed.

After confirming that nothing was missed, Moore grinned at Ed and said, "You should know what to say and what not to say later."

Ed didn't say anything and closed his eyes. His heavy breathing proved that he was not calm inside.

Moore ignored him, walked over to Sean, and placed the found pistol and bullets on the cash register.

"Beretta 92FS, a nice pistol, with forty-eight rounds of ammunition."

Sean nodded, hesitated for a moment, and picked up the Beretta 92FS on the cash register. "I'll take it first. The shotgun is a bit difficult to use in the house."

Moore smiled nonchalantly and said, "Why, Sheriff, are you tired of your sissy Glock too?"

Sean shrugged. "Glock to Carl."

"That kid? Hehe, not bad, quite interesting."

"Let's look for it again. Since this gun is here, it means that it has not been thoroughly searched. There may be other guns."

Sean, Moore, and T-zai spread out in the convenience store and searched carefully.

Morales stood there blankly, glanced at Ed cautiously, and was slightly relieved when he saw that Ed didn't look at him, but he felt a little confused.

Not long after, Glenn and Daryl came to the convenience store with others—all of them.

RVs and motorcycles were parked on the road, not too close together, so that they could be evacuated at any time.

Glenn and Daryl were in front, and when they approached the convenience store and didn't notice anything unusual, they waved for others to follow.

Glenn opened the glass door of the convenience store, and people walked in one by one in an orderly manner.

Carl felt like he was finally free.

During the time that Sean and the others were out, I kept listening to Lori's nagging, and my head was almost going crazy.

The content is just that—all meaningless words—but Lori can talk about it over and over again.

It turns out that no matter what world or country, the role of mother has many commonalities.

  Though Carl was a little annoyed by Lori's nagging, there was deep concern for those naggings.

  Karl could naturally feel it, which made Karl's view of Lori change a little.

  Maybe Lori's character in the play is not likable, and even in reality, Lori is not a competent wife.

  But as a mother, although not perfect, she is very competent and has surpassed most people.

  Sean heard the noise, stopped searching, and said to everyone;

  "Everyone, we have roughly checked the area. There are no large-scale zombies. We can rest here for the night. Be careful not to leave the convenience store or make too much noise."

  Naturally, no one would have any objection, as they had all survived the apocalypse for some time and were aware of these things.

  Sean continued, "There are still a lot of supplies in this convenience store. Everyone, please help collect them and sort them."

  "Ok, no problem."

To put it simply, collecting supplies means classifying the items on the shelves and putting them together. It is very simple, and there is no danger at all.

Soon everyone was in action, standing up, including Carl and Lori.

The sky outside the convenience store had completely darkened. A crescent moon had already appeared above the night sky, and a few sparse, cold stars were scattered in the night sky like embellishments.

A few candles were lit in the convenience store, and the pale yellow light was tinged with hints of orange, bringing warmth and tranquility.

All the shelves were emptied and moved to the surrounding glass walls and behind the doors. Curtains were drawn on all the glass, and those without curtains were covered with cloth.

People sat together in groups of three or four, eating snacks and chatting.

Carl didn't expect that he could still eat potato chips in this world, but soon he might not be able to eat them anymore.

It has only been two months since the apocalypse, and most of the food in convenience stores is still within its shelf life. Even if it isn't, it's the end of the world, so who would care about the shelf life?

Most of the foods that people ate were expanding foods. Small-sized, high-calorie foods like compressed biscuits and chocolate were collected.

This is what Sean meant, and Sean is indeed a qualified leader, not only in terms of personal use of force but also in terms of long-term vision.

And the most important point is prestige and recognition from the public. It doesn't need to be all the public; just the vast majority is enough.

"Carl, eat less. You've already eaten three bags of potato chips." Lori stopped Carl from tearing open the fourth bag of potato chips.

Karl said helplessly, "Mom, now it's not a snack; it's food. I use it to fill my stomach, not to satisfy my appetite."

Lori insisted, "But potato chips are very unhealthy. Eating too much is not good."

"Mom, I can only eat it now. Where can I find potato chips in the future? How can I eat too much?"

Sean looked at Carl and Lori and smiled, then carried a dozen beers towards where the Moldariel brothers were.