Do you let it go?

Ji Jingchen girlfriend is Tang Shuyi, which is probably the funniest joke she has ever heard.

Half a year ago, he was still flirting with her, so if he broke the appointment because of Tang Shuyi.

Tang Shuyi threw the plate in her hand in Tang Shuyan hand and walked into Tang Shuyan bedroom with her arms around her arms.

Tang Shuyan was originally forbidden forbiding her to step into her own field.

However, her thoughts were completely restrained by Tang Shuyi.

"I've had to rob you for everything since I was a child. You can give it to me, because you are generous. Now I'm going to rob Ji Jingchen from you. Will you let me go?" Tang Shuyi faced Tang Shuyan coldly.

She then said.

"It doesn't matter whether you let it or not. The Ji family asked you to marry you by name, just because you are the eldest daughter of the Tang family, but you may not know that I am the person who really suits him. You have been away from here for so long. Of course, you don't know our relationship."

Tang Shuyan didn't know whether Tang Shuyi words were true or not, because she had not been in this city for too long, but she just made a fuss, and the result could not be changed.

She was not the one who could be stulided by her in two words.

Tang Shuyan poured the snacks in the plate directly into the trash can, and the plate was returned to Tang Shuyi.

"Thank you, please!" Tang Shuyan said clearly.

Tang Shuyi was angry. Tang Shuyan actually used her as a servant. She was so angry.

"In addition, whether you say it's messy or not, it has nothing to do with me. It's my business whether I want to marry Ji Jingchen or not. It has nothing to do with you. Since you have said that I was too generous when I was a child and gave you everything. Now that I have grown up, I have become stingy. Ji Jingchen, I won't let it." Tang Shuyan successfully provoked the anger in Tang Shuyi heart.

Tang Shuyi face was so ugly that she couldn't say anything for a moment.

"Okay, one day I will let him marry me and abandon you!" Tang Shuyi retreated to the door.

Tang Shuyan won again against Tang Shuyi, but this time she was not happy to win. The reason was very simple. She was also thinking about how true Tang Shuyi words were.

Originally, it was agreed with Tang Yue that she would enter the Tang family after returning to China. Tang Yue postponed the time again. She lay on the bed in the bedroom and closed her eyes, which could clearly print Ji Jingchen heavy face.

She is going to marry him, like the Las Vegas wedding has been moved to Liancheng, but she doesn't seem to be happy at all.

Tang Shuyan, who couldn't sleep well all night, didn't sleep well.

As a result, as soon as she woke up the next day, her mobile phone rang, and the strange phone number jumped on her mobile phone screen.

She swiped the mobile phone screen and asked with the murmuring voice that had just woken up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Miss Tang, you couldn't wait to marry me soon yesterday. Why is it so strange today?"

The other party voice came from the other end of the phone.

Tang Shuyan immediately woke up. It was Ji Jingchen phone number.

How did she know his domestic phone number?

Who let her even the number she gave her before was fake?

What she has in her mobile phone is not this number at all, okay?

Now she still blames her.

"What's the matter, Ji Jingchen." She said word by word.

"My driver will wait for you at the door of Tang's house. I'll give you fifteen minutes. See you at the Civil Affairs Bureau. My time is very short, only one hour. Then I will go to Qingcheng for a seminar and come back in a few days. Since I'm going to get married, I'll get a certificate first, so that I won't be able to schedule time later." Ji Jingchen was remotely controlling her on the phone.

What, Tang Shuyan heard right.

He just reached a consensus yesterday, and he is going to get the certificate today.

This speed also catches up with the spaceship.

Isn't he reluctant to get married?

Then why did he get a marriage certificate so early?

The word is to cooperate with his time.

Today, he happens to have a license when he is free.

Does it mean to get married? He also has to choose his free time.

But Tang Shuyan seemed to have no room to refuse at all.

After Ji Jingchen instructions, he hung up the phone. Tang Shuyan could only shout a few words to her voice.

"Hey, Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen..."