And women send it to your door

After Tang Shuyan rush work, thousands of invitations were finally completed. She was also very satisfied with her handwork.

Although her fingers held the pen were already calloused, she was happy in her heart.

Because she and Ji Jingchen first marriage wish was fulfilled, since she was going to get married, she wanted to send it to him in person.

After all, after the end of the certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau, he has returned to Liancheng, and they have not seen each other again.

She chose a dress from the wardrobe, took this big bag of wedding invitations, and went downstairs.

Tang Yue happened to be in the living room before he went to Tang. Seeing her coming, he said.

"Come and have breakfast together."

Seeing that he was eating alone, Tang Shuyan walked over.

There was a Chinese and Western breakfast on the table. She took a glass of milk and drank it and took a few sips.

Tang Yue said.

"Do you want to marry the Ji family? Do you blame your father?"

"No wonder, anyway, you like to arrange everything for me from childhood to adults. I'm used to it, but since it's arranged, I don't want any mistakes or moths to come out to mess up. Do you understand?" Tang Shuyan has something to point out.

Tang Yue was stunned and suddenly said.

"Your aunt also has difficulties. You understand her a little. Don't get through it a few days before you get married."

"If you don't like me, you can send me away again. Six years ago, you can send me to the United States without care. Now you can still send me to the hotel to get married. I don't mind." Tang Shuyan put down the milk glass and stood up.

"Yan Yan, what are you talking about..." Tang Yue face showed anger.

Tang Shuyan turned around and left.

The father and daughter broke up unhappily again.

However, Tang Shuyan had long been used to such a scene.

In this family, she was the real superfluous person.

Thinking of this, Tang Shuyan eyes are a little sour, but soon, she will have a new home with Ji Jingchen.

It is not easy for her to think of the future, but with him, she will try her best to be happy.

Tang Shuyan left the Tang family and took a taxi to Boyuan Group.

Fortunately, she later checked the background of the Ji family. Boyuan Group is located in the center of Liancheng and became a landmark building in Liancheng together with Mo's Group.

The building was more spectacular and modern than what Tang Shuyan was looking for on Baidu.

She looked up, and the fine sunlight refracted between her fingers through the blue glass.

The word J on the ring finger was more obvious. She said to the letter.

"Jing Shen, you know how much I miss you, but do you deliberately not recognize me?" She laughed to herself.

Then, she walked into the high-rise building with her breath in her breath.

When she walked into the hall, it was a semi-circular marble glazed platform made of marble, in which there stood four young and beautiful employees in uniform.

Tang Shuyan wanted to go in, but naturally she was blocked by them.

One of them asked.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Ji Jingchen." Tang Shuyan name is on the newspaper.

"Do you have an appointment? The president will not see anyone who is not on the appointment list." The second answer.

Tang Shuyan put a bag of wedding invitations on the glazed platform and said.

"If you don't see it, just don't see it. Please help me hand over this bag to him, and he will understand it when he reads it."

She put down her things and turned around and left without hesitation.

"The president peach blossoms are really prosperous. Isn't it said that he is going to get married, and women will come to the door." A receptionist commented angrily.

"It's just cannon fodder. I really think it can be something. Look at Miss Tang, who promes to be the wife of the president, hasn't come recently."

"Yes, even the charming Miss Tang was not selected, not to mention this kind of fresh and indifferent role. The president should not look at it, right?" The gossip ability of the front desk is absolutely first-class.