Cuckold me before marriage

Zhou Li smiled and said softly.

"How can it be? This Jingchen is young and promising, and it is envied by others."

After a few words of greeting, Zhou Li took out the Geng post and said.

"This is my Yan Yan Geng post. My husband asked me to send it over. It has been booked this day, and the Geng post should also be sent to the house. It is said that this is the law."

Just talking, from the mahogany rotating stairs, Ji Jingchen sank down.

Seeing the lively living room, he did not participate too much. He glanced at it and walked to the entrance.

Tang Shuyi said to Su Zhijing.

"Aunt Ji, I have something to ask Master Ji. Excuse me."

She hurriedly chased over and stood at the door and shouted that Ji Jingchen in the courtyard said.

"Brother Jingchen, wait a minute."

Ji Jing calmly stopped and looked back to see Tang Shuyi.

After comparing Tang Shuyan, he looked at Tang Shuyi again.

There was a difference. He asked.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother Jingchen, my sister didn't come home last night. I want to ask if you know where she went. We are all worried about not going back all night. My sister has just returned to China, and I don't know if she will meet a bad person." Tang Shuyi is submissive.

After listening to Tang Shuyi words, Ji Jingchen face darkened, and his eyes were gloomy.

If Tang Shuyi said so on weekdays, he had heard it, but the matter was different.

Yesterday, who let him bump into people when he was drunk.

The woman silently cuckolded him, which made him slightly angry.

Fortunately, they had no emotional entanglement, and it was harmless.

Seeing that Ji Jingchen did not answer, Tang Shuyi thought that her purpose of temptation had been achieved.

Tang Shuyi came forward and took Ji Jingchen arm and said.

"Brother Jingchen, I know you are going to marry my sister, and you will be my brother-in-law in the future. I hope we can still be as good as before?"

Ji Jingchen impression of Tang Shuyi is not bad.

Looking at her graceful and charming, she is not like the kind of clingy woman around her.

She has her own thoughts and knows how to be measured and observe the color.

"Shuyi, it's good to know each others identity. I remember that I haven't promised you anything. Before the wedding, I don't want to hear any gossip. You are an understanding person and know what I mean." Ji Jingchen let go of her hand.

Tang Shuyi squeezed her lips and smiled and said.

"I know, brother-in-law, but you still have to take me to the party in the future, so that I can get to know more high-quality young men and marry myself as soon as possible!"

"Okay." Ji Jingchen nodded and left her after a few words.

Tang Shuyi gritted his teeth, raised a puzzled smile on her lips, and turned back to Ji's living room.

After leaving Jingyuan, Ji Jingchen sat in the car.

All the way, he was thinking about Tang Shuyanabsence all night.

There was only such an inference that he spent the night with the hot man she talked to yesterday.

She cheated me before marriage. He asked her to pay the price, but he thought about this matter in his heart.

This kind of thing didn't matter, but he would Let his heart have a wave.

Why on earth? He has only seen Tang Shuyan twice, and he has not been moved, especially the commercial marriage.

He is used to be uncare. He must be too tired.

However, he recognized one thing clearly.

He didn't seem to know the background of the newlywed wife.

After thinking about it, Ji Jingchen ordered, "A Yi, go and investigate all the backgrounds of Tang Shuyan and put it on my desk tomorrow morning."

"Yes, president." Zhou Yi is his driver, but most of the time he will do some investigations for him.

He knows himself and his enemy. He is a sure to win a hundred battles.

It is also okay for women.