Broken Shoes

It was like a bang of cold water, watering from head to feet, and the whole cold condensed in this lively banquet hall.

Tang Shuyan suddenly woke up. She closed her hand, squeezed her mouth and smiled, and tried to take back her sour tears.

"Second sister-in-law, the boss is joking. You can't take it seriously!" Xi Chuan saw that Tang Shuyan face suddenly turned white.

Pei Ran, who was beside him, helped Jiang Shaocheng and echoed.

"Yes, the boss drank too much. He usually likes to joke."

Tang Shuyan smiled and waved her hand and said.

"How can I be so angry easily? I'm glad to meet you. Please take care of me in the future." She smiled cleverly, turned around and looked at Xi Chuan and shook the back of her hand.

She said.

"Fourth brother, I like your wedding ring design very much. Thank you!"

"How do you know that I'm the fourth?" Xi Chuan remembered that he had not introduced himself.

Ji Jingchen also sank. He had never mentioned these childhood friends.

Did she also investigate him?

"I... guessed. Your fingers are full of cocoons, which is the habit of holding a pen. Didn't I guess wrong?" Tang Shuyan leaned sideways and raised her eyebrows.

She had heard of everyone here, even from childhood to adulthood, so even if they didn't say it, she could guess who was who.

"Second sister-in-law, you are so smart!" Xi Chuan was impressed by her details.

They each said a few more blessings, and the master of ceremonies came up to take over Jiang Shaocheng microphone and continued to host the wedding banquet.

In the second half, everyone was happy.

After lasting for half an hour, the grand wedding banquet came to a successful end.

Tang Shuyan and Ji Jingchen were sent to the wedding car and returned home.

Ruan Xinyu turned back to the wedding banquet from the door. She felt thirsty. She took the canon the waiter plate and drank it all, which was enough to quench her thirst.

Only then did she feel a headache and her eyes were confused.

She stood up on the table and walked forward to the door. She only felt that she had hit a wall, and the matter behind her was blank.

When Yu Yiting left the Lilan Hotel, he was very uncomfortable. He saw that Tang Shuyan stepped on the red carpet and married another man.

Is this secret love the end of this? He could make a generous statement in court, but in the face of her, he did not dare to confess.

He asked himself, but gave No answer.

On the way back to Jingyuan, Tang Shuyan closed her eyes and felt that her stomach was uncomfortable.

Zhou Yi suddenly braked sharply.

Her body center of gravity was unstable and fell on Ji Jingchen knee.

She instantly realized, immediately supported the car seat with her hand, sat herself up, and said busy.

"I'm sorry..."

Ji Jingchen didn't care about her behavior, nor did she make any response.

They sat in their own suitable positions again, separated by a distance, which seemed to be the distance between their hearts.

They were sent back to Jingyuan, and Tang Shuyan had time to have a good look at the garden.

The big red lanterns swayed on the corridor and walked into the living room.

On the high ceiling, there were carved square downlights, which were staggered.

When I entered the door, I saw a middle-aged man appear in front of him. He looked like the housekeeper of the Ji family and held Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen waved his hand and said.

"I'm fine."

"I'll take you upstairs. The head master and madam also went back to their rooms to rest." Song Bo said.

Tang Shuyan felt that her feet were floating.

When she walked to the stairs, her high heels kicked to the stairs and leaned back unsteadily.

Ji Jingchen reflexively pulled her arm and lifted her up.

"Is this how you caught my attention?" Ji Jingchen hummed coldly.

"It's terrible."