Ji's strict rules

Ji Jingchen gave her a chance to perform.

Tang Shuyan stood up, carefully took the teapot, walked to Su Zhijing, filled the porcelain cup, and said softly.

"Mom, drink tea."

Sure enough, the son still knows his mother.

A cup of tea, Su Zhijing and Ji Hangyuan are much more beautiful.

"You just got married. Where are you going to spend your honeymoon?" Ji Hangyuan asked about their plans.

Tang Shuyan was not told that there was still a honeymoon trip at all. Ji Jingchen put down the glass in his hand and said.

"It's almost the end of the year. There is still a new product in Boyuan under development. I can't take time. I'll take Shuyan with me during the Spring Festival. Do you think so?" After he finished speaking, he looked at Tang Shuyan.

Tang Shuyan frowned slightly.

She squeezed out a very fake smile and replied.

"Yes, Dad, just be on hold first, and I will also go to Tang work in the future. Maybe I can't make time."

"Are you going to Tang?" Su Zhijing said doubtfully.

"Yes, Mom, my grandpa means that I'll be there in a minute." Tang Shuyan reported truthfully that Tang Yue promised her that she would enter the Tang family after getting married.

In the morning, she also received a phone call from her grandfather, saying that she would go together.

Su Zhi nodded at the scenic spot. She would look at serious girls differently. She said.

"It's okay, but since you have a family, you should take good care of the family."

"Okay, mom, don't worry. I will try my best to be a good wife." Tang Shuyan looked at Ji Jing calmly.

She didn't mean acting in this sentence. She tried to be his wife and also wanted to find the answer she wanted.

They didn't continue to ask questions, and then began to have breakfast separately.

After breakfast, Ji Jingchen saw Tang Shuyan walk out of the door and said.

"Come here and I'll take you there."

Tang Shuyan really didn't have a car to go.

This morning, it was also very troublesome for her to call a taxi.

Ji Jingchen drove his car out. Tang Shuyan opened the back seat and sat on it. Ji Jingchen saw her behavior and also felt it.

So he married a strong woman and took the initiative go to work the day after their wedding.

Tang Shuyan sat in the back seat and peeked at him driving.

Who said that the gossip can't make people think about it.

Ji Jingchen back can definitely kill all models in seconds, especially the way he holds the steering wheel in his hand, calm and introvert, as if he can control everything.

Tang advertising is a leading enterprise in the Liancheng advertising industry.

In 1957, Tang Xun became a printer of the Chinese people's printing at the age of 20.

Later, under the surge of the new wave, he independently developed an early batch of editorial departments in China and distributed newspapers.

After thirty years of historical changes, in the late 1980s, he reformed and opened up. He began to turn to magazines.

For two thousand years, he aimed at advertising and media until he handed over the industry to Tang Yue ten years ago, and in the ten years led by Tang Yue, he flourished again.

Down's Advertising is divided into magazines, newspaper editorial department, advertising TV new media department.

The car arrived at Tang's advertising building.

Tang Shuyan got out of the car by herself.

Tang Shuyan waved to the window of the car.

"Thank you for sending me in the morning. Don't bother at night. I'll just go back by myself."

Ji Jingchen did not stay for a long time.

After completing the task, he went directly to Boyuan.

Tang Shuyan waited for a while and saw a Bentley car appear.

Tang Shuyan came forward and waited. The car stopped.

A gray-headed old man with crutches came out of the car.

Tang Shuyan greeted him and shouted.


This is the founder Tang Xun. He is seventy-eight years old this year.

Tang Xun smiled and said.

"Let's go. Your father is waiting in it. Grandpa has been waiting for this day for six years. In and, our family has grown up."