Climb into your bed and you can be a spokesperson (2)

Tang Shuyan just moved her feet, hesitated for a moment, and sat on the sofa on her face.

The brown sugar ginger tea on the tea table was full of smoke.

She still remembers that once, she caught a cold and didn't expect that he would bring the brew of brown sugar ginger tea with him.

In that bowl, the brown sugar ginger tea he made made her remember to this day. The spicy ginger taste blended with the sweetness of brown sugar, and the most important thing was her heart.

Well, anyway, she had just been drenched in water and was cold. She naturally picked up this cup of brown sugar ginger tea and drank it. She didn't want to spoil his kindness.

He read for a while, looked extremely serious, and then slowly spit out a few words.

"No problem?"

"Indeed, there is no problem with the document. I'm here today to tell you that I need to replace this advertising spokesperson." Tang Shuyan cut directly into the theme.

Ji Jingchen gently pulled the corners of her mouth and was a little surprised.

This woman, who only married him yesterday and entered the Tang family today, unexpectedly came to replace the spokesperson he chose.

"Why do you think I will agree to your request? If you replace the spokesperson, Boyuan needs to pay a penalty. What's more, the director has said that the shooting is over. As the president of Boyuan, I need to spend money to hire the director again and ask the spokesperson to remake it?" Ji Jingchen closed the document, raised his eyes, and stared at her eyes to ask.

She had just had brown sugar ginger tea, which was a little spicy.

Her little face turned red, but her expression was calm. Tang Shuyan put down the teacup and her eyes returned to him.

"If a spokesperson can't reflect the product at all, then what's the difference between such a spokesperson and a vase? Is it necessary to climb the season? The general bed can become a spokesperson!"

Ji Jingchen was slightly angry, but he couldn't show it. His voice was a little hoarse and his face turned white.

He replied.

"How can you see that I have such a style of doing things?"

"Then how did Yang Xin get selected? A spokesperson who is unwilling to sacrifice for advertising and even unwilling to use the products provided by the manufacturer, I don't think she is qualified to be put on the screen at all!" Tang Shuyan has words.

Ji Jingchen closed his eyes.

When he opened her eyes, he said with a sharp look.

"Then why did you let her finish the shooting?"

"I just want you to know that don't mess with women in the future. The debts you provoke will be repayed, and I don't want to pay for your love debt." Tang Shuyan came back to his own theme.

Ji Jingchen could hear the radicalism in her words. Yang Xin practice today was indeed too much.

When he saw Tang Shuyan, who was wet all over, Yang Xin called him again and complained.

He called the director in person.

The director told the truth, so his newlywed wife was wronged, but unexpectedly, the director said that Mrs. Ji acting skills were better than Yang Xin.

If Mrs. Ji entered the entertainment industry, there would be nothing wrong with Yang Xin.

After he hung up the phone, he fell into meditation.

This Tang Shuyan had some signs, at least successfully aroused his idea, whether it was good or bad.

"Tang Shuyan, you are not qualified to ask me about my private matters. As for your proposal, I will consider it. I still have visitors below. You can come back." Ji Jingchen stood up and gave an order to expel the guests.

Tang Shuyan nodded and made an OK gesture.

"Okay, I'll wait for your message. I think you will make the most clear choice. Goodbye!"

After saying that, Tang Shuyan immediately turned around and went out of his office without waiting for Ji Jingchen to do anything.

Are they like newlyweds?

At least he just poured a cup of special tea for her.

Tang Shuyan could only comfort herself like this.