Seducing Her Husband (2)

Ji Jingchen didn't know how to describe the relationship with Tang Shuyi. He could only say that he owed her a favor.

As for how to pay it, he hadn't thought about it yet.

"If you are drunk, you will be drunk. I will rest here today and wake up tomorrow. I hope you don't remember anything." Ji Jingchen comforted her.

Tang Shuyi suddenly lay in his arms and said softly.

"Brother Jingchen, I don't want to rob anything with my sister. You are my brother-in-law, but I can't control my feelings. I tell myself that I can do a good job..."

Ji Jingchen quickly let go of his hand and thought of his conversation with Tang Shuyan in Yingzhou Mansion.

What was he doing? A married man comforted the woman.

Suddenly, he sobered his mind, stood up, and said again.

"You're drunk."

Si Bai poured hot water and came in.

Ji Jingchen explained.

"When her willpower is clearer, you can send her back in person. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Yes, Master Ji, won't you stay with her?" Si Bai asked in doubt.

"In the future, if she comes here and is drunk, you can send her directly to the lounge without notifying me. I'm married, Si Bai, and I don't plan to divorce yet." Ji Jing said affirmatively.

At least the cooperative relationship with Tang Shuyan is very strong now, so he has no intention to let go.

After the explanation, Ji Jingchen left and Tang Shuyi was drunk.

Si Bai looked blank.

Tang Shuyi saw Ji Jingchen let her leave.

She stood up soberly and didn't expect that she could not even keep him like this.

"Miss Tang, how are you?" Si Bai saw that she regained consciousness by herself.

Tang Shuyi walked out of the lounge without saying a word.

Tang Shuyan originally thought he would follow up, but she didn't see him come up for a long time.

She opened the curtain and saw that his car was missing.

It's so late.

Where did he go?

After taking a shower, Tang Shuyan lay in the quilt and tossed several times without closing her eyes.

After about an hour, she heard the sound and found that Ji Jingchen had came back and went straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

Tang Shuyan felt not sleepy, and then remembered to make a glass of milk to drink, which was helpful for sleep.

Her mobile phone was ringing, and she turned around and wanted to take it and send it for him.

As a result, the name on the screen was Tang Shuyi. Her hand trembled and the ringing stopped.

However, on the screen of the iPhone, a new message jumped out, and only half a sentence could be seen.

(Brother Jingchen, thank you for accompanying me...)

She didn't see the words in the back.

The screen was soon locked, and it was dark in front of her.

Therefore, whether Tang Shuyi openly seduced her husband or her husband cheated on Tang Shuyi late at night, these two are related to her.

"What are you doing?"

She was still distracted.

Ji Jingchen came out of the bathroom and asked coldly.

Tang Shuyan hand shook, and his mobile phone fell to the ground. She lowered her head in a panic and looked for the location of the mobile phone.

As soon as she picked it up, she found that the screen of the mobile phone was broken by her.

"I'm sorry..." She opened her mouth and said weakly.

Ji Jingchen face was extremely ugly.

"Who let you touch my mobile phone?"

"I just..."

She just want to tell you that someone is anxious to find you.

The man is still with her nominal sister, but he was obviously angry.

Finally, Tang Shuyan could only say.

"I'm just careless, and I didn't mean it."

Ji Jingchen took the mobile phone from her hand and the screen was broken. He guessed that she would not play such a low-level game.