I Miss You

"Since the younger siblings have toasted us, we should also return the younger siblings, right? The third brother pours wine for the younger siblings. Don't let the second brother interfere. This wife has to drink a little wine and has to worry about it. It's too small. You can take your wife away later!" Jiang Shaocheng said a word.

Originally, Mo Chenyu also wanted to stop on this.

Who knew that Tang Shuyan picked up the red wine bottle and filled it for Jiang Shaocheng first.

She asked upside down.

"Boss, isn't this enough?"

Seeing that the big crystal glass was almost full, Jiang Shaocheng saw that she was very domineering and shouted to her.

"Ow, the wine poured by my sister-in-law is full, and I will finish it."

"Then thank the boss for your face, but if you are full, you will lose, and if you are full, you will lose. The boss must not like it, so this is just right."

A whole glass of red wine, only one circle of edges is empty.

Originally, Jiang Shaocheng wanted to make a joke, but she counterattacked, and she dared to do such a thing.

Ji Jingchen calmly clapped his hands and said.

"Boss, drink it!"

The rest of the people also clapped his hands and asked him to drink. Jiang Shaocheng suddenly picked up the glass and poured it into his stomach.

This cup was very heavy. Jiang Shaocheng eyes were a little confused and said.

"My sister-in-law is very good at playing."

"Where, where!" Tang Shuyan was all the means he had taught.

At that time, she was occasionally invited by her classmates to a bar party. She was afraid that she could not stop drinking.

At that time, Ji Jingchen taught her that she could not solve the problem. Only if she was not afraid could she cope with it.

Now she has learned it, but he doesn't recognize himself.

"The boss is so cheerful, I'll give a toast to everyone." Tang Shuyan poured a glass of red wine into her glass.

Under their surprised eyes, she drank it all.

Everyone applauded, and Ji Jingchen face was ungly. Tang Shuyan leaned back and felt a trace of heat. She just didn't want to continue to pretend in front of him, so she wanted to be completely drunk.

Ji Jingchen stepped forward quickly and held her. She closed her eyes in an instant, smiled at him, and fell down.

Jiang Shaocheng also drank high, and Pei Ran helped him.

Jiang Shaocheng also shouted.

"Sister-in-law, let's continue to drink. I'll tell you when we drink, the second brother, there is more than one woman outside!"

Mo Chenyu covered Jiang Shaocheng mouth. It seemed that Ji Jingchen really felt that he had made a fake friend, and Jiang Shaocheng would sell him at any time.

However, Tang Shuyan didn't listen to a word and had fallen into Ji Jingchen arms.

Xi Chuan squinted and said with a smile.

"Second, your wife is so cute that you can knock down the boss."

"Take her back first."

Mo Chenyu looked at Tang Shuyan dizzy appearance.

Ji Jingchen looked at Tang Shuyan slantly.

The woman who was still provocating at the last moment lay quietly in his arms the next moment, rubbing his neck like a kitten, making him itchy.

"Okay, when he wakes up, tell him I will to settle accounts with him later." Ji Jingchen pointed to Jiang Shaocheng, and then he picked up Tang Shuyan.

The two walked out of the box.

Pei Ran couldn't help sighing.

"The married man is really different, but why do you always feel that the second and second sister-in-law are a little strange."

"Beauty, let me kiss you!"

Before Pei Ran's voice fell, Jiang Shaocheng got up from the sofa and ran over with his mouth pout.

His eyes were still confused.

He rushed directly to hug Pei Ran.

"Cough, cough... The third and fourth, save me!" Pei Ran shouted.

Xi Chuan couldn't help laughing and said.

"Just give him a kiss. He will definitely treat you as a beautiful woman."