Chapter Two: Nightmares Unleashed

The screams echoed through the desolate hallway, piercing the air with their haunting resonance. Rye stood frozen, surrounded by an impenetrable darkness that concealed the terrors lurking within. But this place was different, something sinister lingered in the air. As the screams abruptly ceased, Rye's heart pounded in his chest, matching the rhythm of his hesitant steps. The floor beneath him transformed, becoming a viscous, sticky substance that clung to his every movement, impeding his progress.Suddenly, a pungent stench assaulted his senses, overpowering him like a relentless force. The metallic scent of blood invaded his nostrils, suffocating him with its malevolence. Summoning every ounce of courage, Rye propelled himself forward, only to collide with a door that materialized out of the darkness. His trembling hand grasped the doorknob, twisting and pulling with desperation until it yielded to his touch. Descending into the depths of the abyss, Rye navigated the treacherous stairs, his every step accompanied by the sickening sounds of squelching and bones snapping.Yet, he pressed on, driven by an insatiable need to uncover the truth behind the horrors that plagued this place. Finally, he reached the bottom step and flicked a switch, illuminating the room in a ghastly crimson glow. In the heart of this macabre chamber, a woman stood, her naked form stripped of flesh, a grotesque spectacle of agony and suffering. Despite the torment inflicted upon her, she convulsed with a semblance of life, her body contorting in a grotesque dance of torment. Rye's eyes widened in terror as her hand rose, a bony finger pointing directly at him.In a panic, Rye turned around, only to find himself face to face with a malevolent entity, a creature born from the darkest recesses of his nightmares. With a ferocious intensity, it lunged at him-Awakening from his unconscious state, he sensed a firm grip on his shoulders, accompanied by the chilling sensation of blood trickling down his arm. Gradually, his vision cleared, revealing the haunting visage of Jenny mere inches away. Her eyes were wide with terror as she gazed at him, her lips trembling with unspoken words. Desperately, he groped in the darkness, his fingers smearing the crimson liquid across his face, etching the intricate details of a mysterious countenance, an enigmatic symbol, and a cryptic name. The sound of a deafening ring pierced his ears, intensifying with each passing moment, until suddenly, it ceased."Rye?" Jenny anxiously spat as her hands planted against his shoulders. "What was- Are you okay?"Rye struggled to catch his breath; each inhale more labored than the last until he managed to rise to a sitting position. It was a miracle he hadn't tumbled off the couch and suffered a head injury. "I-I'm fine," he muttered, grimacing as he gingerly touched the blood on his arm. Beneath the crimson stains were angry, inflamed scratches forming a sinister symbol. One that he recognized all too well: The Order of Ashes."I-I can get something for the cuts, uh...what's the symbols about?"Rye tugged his shirt off, then used it to clean off and slow the bleeding on his arm. "It's the Order. But what I don't understand is why now.""I wish I knew," Jenny shakily uttered. "I was really worried. You were so out of it; I didn't know what was going on."Rye ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it a bit to ensure it wasn't a total mess. "You're the only person who's seen this happen," He admitted, glancing down at the mark on his arm. "I know where the Order will be later," He continued. "But it's something I have to do alone.""Alone? Are you sure?"Rye nodded, slowly and suddenly unsurely. "I wouldn't want to put you in harm's way.""I don't care. You rescued me from potentially dying. The least I could do is help," Jenny gently argued."Okay, but we need to find you something to wear," Rye explained, rubbing the back of his neck in uncertainty. "I recognized the place; they're holding some sort of event later today. Formal, masked, and I'm wary of it because if you're there, you're in danger.""If we stop by my place on the way there, I'm sure I have something that would keep me under cover."Rye shook his head. "I'll get you something. I just need your size." He paused, then let his gaze fall upon her. Whether or not it was to size her up, or because he simply couldn't look away was yet to be determined. "There's a very particular dress code for these things."Jenny shifted her weight against the couch and sighed. "I'll do anything to help. What's the plan when we get there?"Rye rose to his feet, determination etched on his face as he spoke, "I need to locate the basement in this place. They're plotting something twisted against an unsuspecting woman." He walked over to the laundry hamper, discarding the blood-stained shirt. With his shirt off, his body bore the evidence of past horrors - from searing burns to gruesome gashes, down to the tiniest of cuts.The woman had to shift her gaze away to keep from staring at the scar-covered body of Rye. "Was it like the vision you had with me?"Rye inhaled sharply. "It was actually worse," He admitted, letting out an equally sharp breath. "Which reminds me...I need to look at my...well...what I got from it," He admitted, glancing towards the bloodied table.Jenny's gaze shifted towards the table; a deep frown etched on her face. The sight of so much blood seemed to make her stomach churn. "Tell me, does this always happen whenever you have a vision?""It used to," Rye admitted as he walked over to take a seat on the couch. "Pretty frequently, but it stopped when I got my sketchbook. I must have dozed off and forgotten to keep it nearby.""If I had known, I would have made sure it was right there for you," Jenny quietly uttered, "But by the time I realized something was wrong, there was already blood everywhere."Rye chuckled with a shake of his head. "Don't worry about it," He assured as he scanned the scrawled-out image and words on the table. He fell silent for what felt like an eternity, as he took everything in to the best of his ability. As if the image hadn't already embedded, he needed to ensure he wouldn't forget a single detail.Jenny let out a soft sigh, her eyes narrowing as she observed Rye's reaction. "You don't have to pretend like it's nothing," she stated firmly, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance. She leaned in closer, studying the image with a mix of curiosity and concern, her delicate features betraying her innocence. "And how will you figure that out?" Asked Jenny as she snuck forward to scan the image herself, as if she would have any clue about it."That, I'm not sure. If you're coming with me, though, we need to head out soon. While we're finding you something to wear, I can do some research," Rye explained, already getting up and venturing upstairs. "There's cold brew coffee in the fridge, and energy drinks, help yourself," He called down."Thank you!" She called back up. "I'll be ready when you are. I would hate for you to go alone after you helped me the way you did. I don't think anybody would have done the same."Silence.Jenny's eyes widened in horror as she peered into the fridge, only to find a plethora of energy drinks staring back at her. With a shiver running down her spine, she shut the door and plopped down at the table, stealing nervous glances at the staircase every now and then. He never explicitly said she couldn't follow him, did he? So why not take a little risk and see what happens? Her thoughts seemed to wander, when she noticed something fall from the fridge in the corner of her eye.The room was shrouded in an unsettling silence, a silence so thick that it seemed to suffocate any sound that dared to disturb it. Jenny sat motionless, her senses on high alert, attuned to the slightest disturbance in the air. And then it came, a soft rustle, barely audible, like the whisper of a ghost. It was the sound of a paper falling to the ground, a sound that would have gone unnoticed by anyone else. But not Jenny. With a sense of foreboding, she rose from her seat and made her way to the source of the noise.There, lying innocently on the floor, was a Polaroid picture. As she picked it up, her heart skipped a beat. In the photograph, a young boy stood proudly, cradling an infant in his arms. Jenny's brow furrowed as she studied the image, a sense of familiarity tugging at her mind. And then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The boy in the picture was Rye, she was sure of it. But there was something different about him, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.His eyes, once filled with innocence and joy, now held a haunted look, a look that spoke of pain and suffering beyond his years. As Jenny gazed at the photograph, a wave of sadness washed over her. She could only imagine the horrors that Rye had endured, the sacrifices he had made to become the man he was today. A man driven by a sense of duty, a man willing to risk everything to save strangers, to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. And in that moment, Jenny knew that she had stumbled upon a mystery far darker and more twisted than she could have ever imagined.He was a mysterious figure to her, a stranger who appeared out of nowhere to save her from a danger she didn't even realize she was in. As she pinned his picture to the fridge with a magnet, her eyes lingered on his face. It was the only photo on the fridge, but she hoped it would stay put. Jenny's mind drifted as she moved from the kitchen to the living room, where one wall was almost entirely made of windows. Through the glass, she could see a small yard that ended at a brook they had crossed over.Along the edge of the brook, there were rocks adorned with intricate designs. How had she missed that before? Lost in her thoughts, she suddenly let out a startled cry. Rye was standing nearby, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry," He said with a frown. "Didn't mean to startle you."Jenny, hand on her heart, sighed. "It's okay. I just didn't expect to see you. You're really quiet," She admitted, letting out a breathy laugh.Rye's lips twitched into a smile. "Force of habit. Usually for me, it's not a good thing to be found out."Jenny froze, a look of suspicion on her face as she narrowed her eyes at him. "What's that supposed to mean? Are you really some creep or something?"Rye lifted his hands in his defense. "No, no, no it's not like that. It's just-""I'm kidding," Jenny interrupted with a laugh."Oh." Rye fell silent, then cleared his throat. "I realized looking that I don't have anything for you to wear," He uttered as he averted his gaze. "We should leave now so we can find you something suitable to infiltrate the Order's event."Jenny's eyes widened slightly as she processed Rye's words. She tilted her head, a small frown forming on her lips. "Oh, don't worry about it," she said with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure we can figure something out along the way. Let's go, Rye. Time's ticking and I'm not one to back down from a challenge," She said with a smirk.Rye's heart raced as he observed Jenny's composed demeanor in the face of danger. It was simultaneously impressive and unsettling. He couldn't help but ponder about the hidden secrets behind her inscrutable eyes. However, there was no time to dwell on it now. With a quick nod, he turned to walk towards the front door. Jenny followed behind quietly without needing prompting.Stepping outside, Rye took a deep breath of the crisp morning air, feeling a wave of relief. As he secured the door, he understood that the next part of their mission was about to start. " really don't have to come with me if you don't want to," He slowly said as he focused his gaze on Jenny. "I mean it...this could be more of a risk to your life than..."Jenny smiled softly at Rye, her eyes reflecting determination despite his concerns. "Don't worry about me, Rye. I can handle myself," She reassured him, her voice calm but resolute. "Besides, we're in this together, right? I'm not letting you face whatever comes next alone." With a reassuring squeeze of his hand, Jenny offered a smile to reassure him as they carefully crossed over the brook.Once Jenny took her final step upon the ground, she stumbled backwards. The motion was so instant that she nearly fell in the water, but Rye caught her by her sleeve, pulling her in. "Careful," He gently advised, slowly releasing his hold on her once she was stabilized.Jenny's heart raced as she processed what just happened. "Whoa, thanks for the save," She chuckled nervously, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "I guess I owe you one."Rye shook his head. "Not at all." Turning, he began walking ahead, leading her towards a pathway nearby.Jenny tilted her head, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Really? Not at all?" She asked, her voice filled with innocence. She followed Rye as he led her towards a nearby pathway, the cawing of the crows echoing in her ears. It felt as if the birds were watching over them, like Rye's loyal companions.As they ventured deeper into the woods, the crows seemed to accompany them, their dark feathers contrasting against the lush greenery. Eventually, they emerged into an opening, where the main road was just within reach. However, they had to take a detour along a quieter side road to reach it. Jenny noticed the presence of other people, mothers pushing strollers, dedicated joggers, and those who couldn't sleep, just like her. It was a comforting sight, knowing that they weren't alone in their nocturnal wanderings.Jenny's phone suddenly rang, causing both her and Rye to jump in surprise. "Hey Brea!" she answered with a cheerful tone, pausing to hear the frantic voice of her friend on the other line. "Take a deep breath, it's all good. Everything will be fine," She reassured gently. "You know how people can be, always making up stories when they have nothing better to do." Jenny stopped in her tracks, her gaze shifting to Rye. He was talking to a crow perched on his shoulder, a sight that both intrigued and puzzled her."Hey, I actually have a favor to ask. Are you home?"Brea's voice came through, "No, why? You're not in trouble, are you?" There was suspicion laced in her tone.Jenny reassured her, "No, no, nothing like that. I was just wondering if you still have those dresses. You know, the ones you said, and I quote, are 'out of season and not my color'?"Brea chuckled, "Yeah, why? Are you really planning on taking them off my hands?"Pausing for a moment, Jenny explained, "Just one. I have a thing I need to do, and unlike you, I don't own any dresses."There was a brief silence before Brea relented, "Okay, fine. But you're spilling the beans and telling me who he is the next time I see you."Jenny let out a small huff, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks. "Okay, okay, fine," She muttered into the phone. "I'll catch up to you as soon as I can." Ending the call, she locked her phone, stuffing it into her jean pocket.Jenny smiled shyly as Rye's concerned eyes met hers. "Yeah, everything's fine," She replied, her cheeks still tinged with a faint blush. She appreciated his genuine inquiry, even though she knew he hadn't overheard her conversation. But when she felt like the silence would become awkward, she said, "My friend lives a few blocks away, and she said I could use something of hers.""That's great news," Rye beamed happily, but not before neutralizing, clearing his throat, and awkwardly averting his gaze. Much to his surprise, Jenny reached over to tug on his jacket."Come on! I looked up where the place is, and if we're planning on being there for the event, we need to get things now," She explained as she hurried off ahead of him.In Rye's vision, Jenny appeared shattered, wounded, and defenseless, transforming into a stranger as he followed closely behind her. A grin crept across his face. Despite her commanding demeanor, she exuded vitality. Her insistence on accompanying him was a mix of relief and dread. He welcomed the idea of an extra pair of eyes, yet the responsibility of protecting her weighed heavily on his mind.For a brief moment, they halted, allowing Jenny to swiftly swipe a key card and gain access to the building. The exterior had deceived them, for the interior of the apartment resembled a setting from those peculiar sitcoms where mere they couldn't possibly afford to reside. Rye found himself overwhelmed, his senses engulfed by the surroundings, only to be abruptly jolted back to reality by the echoing chime of an elevator. Once again, he was forcefully pulled along, the momentum causing him to stumble and collide with Jenny, both of them tumbling into the corner.Speechless, Rye gazed down at her, desperately attempting to regain his composure and retreat. "Um," He mumbled. "Sorry.""It's okay," Jenny shyly said as she stepped over to press the button for the floor number.Rye slowly nodded. "I've never seen anyone come or leave this building. Kind of always thought this was here for show," He admitted."Oh, no!" Jenny exclaimed with a small wave of her hand. "This apartment just belongs to people who are primarily night owls. Like my friend, for example. She'd be here, but she's off somewhere. Probably with her fiancé."Rye hummed thoughtfully. "I see..."Jenny nudged him playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Assuming we make it through tonight, I'd like you to meet her," she said with a smile. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence until the elevator chimed on the eighth floor. "This is us," Jenny announced as she swiped her key card against a small square on the elevator door. Once their identities were confirmed, they stepped out into the apartment. "Yeah," Jenny remarked, clicking her tongue. "Every floor is an apartment."Rye raised his brows in surprise and whistled. "That's...something.""Yep...she loves having the best of the best," Jenny pointed out as she walked across the generously furnished room and kitchen. "You can sit anywhere."Rye's gaze roamed the lavish apartment, absorbing the extravagant decorations that exuded opulence. Abstract art adorned the walls, while sleek and modern furniture filled the space, creating an atmosphere that was both chic and feminine. The living room, a haven for fashion enthusiasts, boasted a walk-in closet brimming with designer garments and shoes, a vanity table adorned with makeup and jewelry, and a plush pink velvet sofa that could easily grace the pages of a magazine. The fashion designer's apartment was a realm where style and sophistication effortlessly intertwined. It wasn't until he heard shuffling in what he assumed was the bedroom, that he broke his attention from the details.He cautiously walked over to the bedroom, and gave a small knock on the door. "Jenny?" He hesitantly greeted, not daring to look inside, at least not just yet. The door opened, almost immediately afterwards and he found himself face to face with Jenny. With a hint of guilt in his eyes, he explained his reluctance to intrude. "I didn't want to barge in and catch you off guard. You might be changing or something, and I didn't want to come off as a creepy pervert."A warm smile danced upon Jenny's lips, amused by his concern. "Aw, you're such a sweetheart, always thinking about others," She remarked, admiration twinkling in her eyes. "Don't worry, I was just drowning in a sea of dresses, trying to figure out what to wear. Care to lend a helping hand?" Unbeknownst to her, Jenny's innocent and sweet demeanor was slowly being overshadowed by the blossoming of feelings she had for him. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt, even though her independent and headstrong nature fought against it. But for now, in the excitement of choosing her outfit, she simply exuded enthusiasm and femininity."Oh, uh-" Rye stammered, his words cut short as he was forcefully pulled into the dimly lit room. The air was heavy with mystery and anticipation, as if something sinister was about to unfold.Jenny's face contorted into an awkward expression, a clear reflection of the inner turmoil she was experiencing. "This whole dressing up thing isn't really my thing," she confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "That's why we're here, at my friend's place. Any way you can help me out?"Rye's gaze shifted away, his mind racing to find an answer to her question. As his eyes wandered, they landed upon a collection of dresses meticulously arranged in front of him. A glimmer of determination flickered in his troubled eyes. "Yeah...I can help," He offered tentatively, his voice laced with hesitation.Jenny's heart skipped a beat as she watched Rye's gaze shift towards the collection of dresses. She couldn't help but admire the determination flickering in his troubled eyes. "Oh, that's so sweet of you," She said with a smile, feeling a rush of warmth towards him. "I'd really appreciate your help."Rye's lips curled into a faint, yet sincere smile as he approached her, standing by her side. His gaze scanned the first trio of dresses, each one exuding luxury and opulence. However, none of them matched the dark, mysterious vibe he was aiming for. The occasion they were infiltrating was a masked gathering organized by the enigmatic cult, The Order of Ash. It was imperative that they seamlessly blended in with the crowd.Curiosity danced in Jenny's eyes as she scanned his face, her voice filled with both curiosity and uncertainty. "What's the matter? You have a look on your face. Did I not choose the right dresses?"There was an uncomfortable expression on Rye's expression. "Does your friend have anything red?" He asked, hoping he was helping in some way. "Or black?"Jenny's heart skipped a beat at the uncomfortable look on Rye's face. "Yeah, my friend is a fashion designer, she should have something red or black, or both." Her voice filled with enthusiasm as she unconsciously brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, a small smile playing on her lips.Rye gave a small smile. "Either would work," He reassured, casting his eyes towards the gargantuan walk-in closet where Jenny had vanished into. He exhaled audibly, while the weight of uncertainty draped over his anticipation. As time ticked away, and the suffocating silence closed in, Jenny shyly emerged from the closet. Donning one of the dresses, she emerged like a specter from the darkness. The dress she chose was a black cocktail dress, clinging to her form and cutting off just above the knees.Intricate patterns of faint red roses cascaded along its side, lending an air of mysterious allure. A pair of matching heels elevated her stature, adding a few inches of tantalizing height. Rye's gaze fixated on her, captivated and unable to look away. In his mind, she transformed into an ethereal creature of beauty, her presence commanding attention and admiration. Truly, she was a vision that rendered him breathless.Rye's eyes were unavoidably fixed on Jenny, filled with a mixture of admiration and awe, as she seemed to render him completely speechless. In that moment, he couldn't tear his gaze away from her. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and modest alure. The way her smile illuminated her face, showcasing her dimples, made his heart skip a beat. He was mesmerized by the way she carried herself, with an air of confidence and grace that seemed to effortlessly draw people towards her.Rye found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to find the right words to express the overwhelming admiration he felt for her. It was as if time stood still, and all that mattered was the connection he felt with her in that moment. Yet, he couldn't allow himself to gaze for long, and averted his gaze awkwardly. "Sorry...I look nice," He muttered.Jenny couldn't help but blush as she heard Rye stumble over his words. She felt a warmth spreading through her chest, a feeling she couldn't quite place. "Thanks, Rye," She replied with a shy smile, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before looking away. Deep down, she knew there was something special about him, something that made her heart flutter. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the excitement of the moment."We should probably start heading out," Rye suggested, breaking the silence that lingered between them. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.Jenny looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of uncertainty and excitement. "Do you really think this is good enough?" She asked as she gestured over the material of the dress. There was a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.Rye's smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. There was a shift in his demeanor, a subtle change that Jenny couldn't quite put her finger on. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a side of him that was more genuine, more heartfelt. "Absolutely," He replied, his voice laced with certainty, but there was a hint of vulnerability beneath the surface. "All you need now, is a mask." With a graceful gesture, he extended his arm, silently inviting her to come closer.Jenny chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she linked her arm with his. "And a way to get to the event," She pointed out, her tone teasing. "Or did you already think about that?" Her words were light-hearted, but her voice had a subtle undercurrent of affection.Rye gave a lopsided, cheeky smile. "Of course. How else do you expect us to make a three hour trip?" He asked in a rhetorical but sincere manner.Jenny's heart fluttered as she caught sight of Rye's lopsided, cheeky grin. Her enthusiasm couldn't help but bubble to the surface. "Well, I guess we'll just have to endure a three hour trip then," She playfully retorted, as the two of them stepped into the elevator and made their way down. Jenny's heart danced within her chest, a delicate flutter that matched the rhythm of her racing thoughts. The sight of Rye's mischievous, lopsided grin sent a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. It was as if a thousand butterflies had taken flight, their wings carrying her enthusiasm to the surface.As the two of them stepped into the elevator, the doors closing behind them, she couldn't help but feel a sense of adventure tingling in the air. The unknown awaited them, and she was ready to embrace it. Her mind buzzed with questions, her thoughts swirling like a tempestuous storm. What would their next move be? Where would this path lead them? But deep down, Jenny knew she could trust Rye.There was an unspoken connection between them, a bond that transcended words. She felt safe in his presence, even as her heart unknowingly began to weave a tapestry of affection. As the elevator descended, Jenny's gaze flickered towards Rye, her eyes tracing the contours of his face. There was something about him, something that stirred her soul. She admired his headstrong nature, his unwavering independence, yet she couldn't deny the innocence and sweetness that radiated from him.He was a paradox, a captivating enigma that she couldn't resist. With each passing moment, Jenny's feelings for Rye grew stronger, like delicate tendrils reaching out for something more. She was caught in the delicate dance of attraction, her heart swaying to a rhythm only they could hear. And as the elevator doors opened, revealing a world of mystery and possibility, she knew that this journey would forever change them.