Orc Fight

The orcs, startled by the sudden appearance of the Fungal Warrior, paused for a moment before deciding to focus on the new threat. Elera, not wasting any time, began casting her Elemental Arrows, having practiced them diligently over the past days. She launched arrow after arrow at the orcs, but they shrugged off the spells, their thick hides and resilience making them difficult to harm.

The Fungal Warrior engaged the orcs, its longsword clashing with their crude weapons. Despite its strange appearance, it fought with surprising skill and agility, its movements fluid and unpredictable. However, the orcs quickly adapted, ganging up on the fungal creature and pushing it into a defensive stance. The Warrior parried and dodged as best it could, but the combined strength of the orcs was overwhelming.

Elera, having exhausted her mana, could only watch in horror as her elemental arrows failed to slow the orcs. She desperately tried to think of another spell to cast, but her reserves were empty. The orcs' relentless assault finally took its toll on the Fungal Warrior. With a powerful swing, the axe-wielding orc decapitated the creature, its body collapsing into a pile of spores and fungal remnants.

Panic surged through Elera. She began to hyperventilate, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a plan. Having found none, she turned to flee, her legs pumping with desperation.

"Run, elf! Give us good chase!" one of the orcs bellowed, laughing.

She sprinted through the underbrush, branches and leaves whipping against her face. But the orcs were faster. She could hear their heavy footsteps closing in on her.

"There she goes! Hahaha!" the second orc shouted.

Elera's breath came in ragged gasps as she felt their hands clamp around her arms, dragging her to the ground. She struggled and kicked, but their grip was unyielding.

"Got you, pretty elf," the axe-wielding orc sneered. "No more running. Hahaha!"

With rough efficiency, they used her own ropes to tie her to a sturdy wooden branch, hoisting her off the ground. As they carried her away, the orcs seemed very happy about their catch, their grins wide and their eyes gleaming with triumph.

"Hehehe, boss pleased oink!" the one with the crude club said.

"Yes, very pleased oink!" the other replied, laughing in a disgusting manner, spit falling everywhere.

Elera's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to calm her racing thoughts, terror gripping her.

As they trudged through the forest, Elera couldn't keep quiet. "Let me go, you filthy brutes! My father will come for me, and he'll kill you all!" she shouted, trying to sound braver than she felt.

"Shut up, elf! Your father won't save you from this," the axe-wielding orc snarled, giving her a shake that rattled her teeth.

"Yeah, shut your mouth, or we'll gag you!" the other orc added, his crude club swinging dangerously close to her face.

"You're disgusting! Both of you!" Elera spat, trying to wiggle free despite knowing it was futile. "Do you even know how to use that axe, or do you just swing it around like an idiot?"

The orc with the axe growled, his grip tightening. "Keep talking, elf, and I'll show you just how good I am with it."

Hours passed as they trudged through the dense forest. Elera's arms ached from being bound, and her legs dangled uselessly. The orcs' coarse laughter and crude comments filled the air, their excitement palpable as they neared their destination.

"What do you want with me anyway?" she demanded, though her voice trembled with fear.

"We take you to our chieftain," the orc with the club explained, grinning maliciously. "He like pretty elf. Big reward for us."

"Yeah, boss will be real happy," the other orc echoed, his voice dripping with anticipation.

Elera's mind raced with thoughts of escape, but every time she tensed to move, the orcs would jostle her, their rough hands keeping her securely in place. As the sky darkened and their journey continued, she felt a flicker of hope die within her. But she couldn't give up—not yet. She had to find a way to survive, to escape, even if it seemed impossible now.

As Elera was being carried away, her body postured upwards, she suddenly saw a big bird in the sky. Squinting, she realized it was a newborn black dragon. In the next moment, the dragon lunged down from the sky at the orc behind her, the one with the crude club.

Panic surged through Elera. "Is this it? Am I going to be eaten as dessert?" she thought, her heart pounding.

The dragon collided with the orc, its talons raking across the creature's back. The orc roared in pain but swung its club with surprising strength, striking the dragon's side. The dragon screeched, its wings beating furiously as it tried to maintain its grip. Blood splattered, but the orc remained standing, a testament to its high vitality.

Elera found herself thrown to the ground amidst the struggle. She watched, wide-eyed, as the dragon attacked again, its jaws snapping at the orc's neck. The orc managed to deflect the bite with its club, but the dragon was relentless. Talons dug into the orc's eyes and throat in a savage flurry. The orc gurgled blood and finally fell, its vitality depleted.

The second orc, the axe-wielder, let out a fierce war cry and charged. Elera held her breath, a mixture of hope and fear coursing through her. "Come on, dragon," she silently urged. "Finish them off... but please, don't let me be next."

The dragon met the orc's charge with a powerful beat of its wings, dodging the first swing of the axe. It retaliated with a swipe of its claws, tearing into the orc's flesh. The orc roared, swinging wildly, and managed to land a heavy blow on the dragon's flank. The dragon screeched in pain but didn't falter. It lunged, sinking its teeth into the orc's shoulder and shaking its head violently. The orc struggled, but the dragon's assault was relentless, each attack chipping away at the orc's vitality.

Finally, the orc staggered, blood pouring from multiple wounds. With a final, desperate lunge, the dragon tore out the orc's throat. The orc gurgled, dropping its axe, and collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

The dragon let out a loud, guttural roar of victory, its powerful cry echoing through the forest. Elera winced at the sound, feeling it reverberate through her bones. She watched in awe as the dragon stood over its fallen prey, its chest heaving with exertion.