
I slunk through the dense forest, my body aching with exhaustion. The battle with the orcs had taken more out of me than I cared to admit. Each step was a reminder of the axe that had bitten into my flesh, a cruel testament to the weapon's effectiveness. If it weren't for the elf's healing touch, I would still be nursing a wound that could take months to mend. I cursed under my breath. Depending on such a weak creature was an affront to my pride, yet her assistance had been necessary.

Stealthily, I made my way towards Valdrakar's Hold, my sanctuary. The cover of the trees shielded me from prying eyes, their shadows a comforting cloak. My ears twitched at every sound, alert for potential threats. The forest was teeming with life, but it was also filled with danger. Every rustle, every crackle of leaves, could signal an enemy or a prey.

I moved with as much grace as I could muster, my muscles protesting with every step. The wound throbbed dully, a constant reminder of my vulnerability. Without that infernal weapon, the orc warrior would have been easy prey. My pride stung more than my injury. I should have been able to take them down without suffering such a debilitating blow.

As I approached Valdrakar's Hold, a sense of relief washed over me. The familiar surroundings brought a semblance of comfort. The entrance was just ahead, hidden amongst the thick foliage. I quickened my pace, eager to reach the safety of my den.

Once inside, I let out a deep breath. The cool, damp air of the cave was a welcome reprieve from the humid forest. I slumped against the rocky wall, closing my eyes for a moment. The exhaustion was overwhelming, pulling me towards sleep. But my mind was still racing, replaying the events of the battle.

As I settled down, my eyes scanning the darkness of the cave, I knew I needed to grow stronger. Each battle, each hunt, brought me closer to my next evolution. The forest was a constant test, and I was determined to rise above it. With a final glance at the entrance, I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

I woke up with a start, my body jolting into awareness. Blinking groggily, I realized the light filtering into my lair indicated that at least a day had passed. I had never slept for so long before, and the realization left me both surprised and uneasy.

The elf's face appeared in my thoughts again. Her spells had been weak, barely more than distractions, but her healing touch had been... unexpected. I growled softly at the memory. Magic truly is interesting. Despite her dismal stats, her healing, although slow and mana-consuming, had saved me. This experience forced me to respect future foes who depend on magic and mana. They are not as straightforward as strength and dexterity fighters; their capabilities can be deceiving and dangerous in their own right.

As I lay there, I thought back to the gifts I had given the elf. The lick wasn't just a gesture of thanks; it left my scent on her. This should mark her as my minion, deterring most animals from attacking her. However, I knew it wouldn't be very effective against monsters capable of sniffing out my wyrmling state. Those creatures wouldn't be fooled so easily.

But with that, I believed I had more than paid back my debt to her, especially since I probably saved her life. The scent marking and the rabbits were gestures of protection and provision, small tokens in the grand scheme of survival. She was no longer my concern. My own survival and growth were what truly mattered.

And as for why I didn't take her with me as a companion, as she so wished, first of all, I was extremely tired and knew I had a long recuperative sleep ahead of me. I wasn't comfortable with her near me in my weakened state. It was a simple matter of self-preservation. Having a potential threat so close, even one as seemingly harmless as her, was an unnecessary risk.

And as for why I didn't take her with me as a companion, as she so wished, first of all, I was extremely tired and knew I had a long recuperative sleep ahead of me. I wasn't comfortable with her near me in my weakened state. It was a simple matter of self-preservation. Having a potential threat so close, even one as seemingly harmless as her, was an unnecessary risk.

Second, she was extremely weak. Yes, her healing was impressive, but I would need to protect her constantly, and that wasn't my fighting style. I prefer to go all out on my enemies without worrying about someone else's safety. Having her around would have been a liability rather than an asset.

With my scent on her that should mark her for a few weeks I do believe I can find her should I wish to, but I had more important matters to pay attention to.

With that out of the way, I took a look at my spoils. My soul core had finally increased to the next rank after the fight. The surge of power was unmistakable, a satisfying confirmation of my growth. The orcs had been formidable, but their souls now fueled my ascent. I could feel my strength and vitality increasing, my body adapting to the new power coursing through me.

[Name: Valdrakar Nemesis]

[Race: Devouring Dragon]

[Title: -]

[Age Stage: Wyrmling]

[Soul Core Stage: 2nd Tier Initial]

[Vitality: 800/800]

[Mana: 350/350]

[Strength: 85]

[Dexterity: 70]

[Magic: 40]

The new power felt incredible, a tangible reminder of my evolution. My vitality, strength, and dexterity had all seen substantial increases. My mana and magic, though not as prominent, had also improved. I felt an almost overwhelming urge to test my new limits, to find new challenges and further solidify my dominance.

First, though, I needed to replenish my energy. I took a deep breath, savoring the renewed sense of vitality. The forest around me seemed quieter, as if acknowledging the presence of a more powerful predator. Though that might've just been my haughty imagination…

Though that might've just been my haughty imagination. I listen attentively to my surroundings for a few seconds with closed eyes. Yeah, it was just my arrogance. Still, the sense of accomplishment was undeniable. I had grown stronger, and the forest seemed to acknowledge it, even if only in my mind. I felt ready to take on new challenges, to continue my journey toward true power.

I stretched my wings and flexed my claws, feeling the new strength in my limbs. It was time to continue my exploration, to find more worthy opponents and further enhance my abilities. The forest was vast, and I had only just begun to uncover its secrets.