New Life

"Congratulations, ma'am, it's a healthy baby boy," he announced, his voice filled with warmth.

'WHAT?!' I yelled mentally, though the only thing I could do physically was barely move my body and suppress the desire to bawl.

Am I a baby?' I thought in shock. 'How does this make sense? Is this one of those Korean novels where I get reincarnated in some other world? And why can I understand the language so easily?'

I slowed my racing thoughts as a mellifluous voice resounded nearby. "Let me see him, doctor."

The doctor carefully handed me over to the source of the voice. The woman cradled my head gently as she lifted my tiny body closer to her face.

My jaw would have dropped if I wasn't in this cursed, helpless body.

The sight in front of me was breathtaking. The woman had flowing blonde hair that shimmered like a fountain of molten gold, and her eyes were literal sapphires, sparkling with an ethereal glow. Her porcelain skin was flawless, and she looked like a supermodel straight out of a dream.

But it wasn't just her beauty that struck me. As she gazed at me, I felt an overwhelming sense of motherly love pouring out of her eyes, warming my heart in a way I had never experienced before.

I tore my eyes away from her to take in my surroundings. The room was richly decorated, with intricate patterns on the walls and ceilings that seemed almost otherworldly. The design was unlike anything I was used to—ornate and grand, with a distinctly medieval yet fantastical feel.

'Did I really get reborn into another world?' I wondered, trying to absorb as much information as I could. The reality of my situation was slowly sinking in, and the implications were staggering.

The room was softly lit by what appeared to be glowing crystals embedded in the walls, casting a warm, comforting light. The bed I was on was covered in plush, velvety fabrics, and the air was filled with the faint scent of blooming flowers. Everything around me screamed of luxury and care.

The woman, my new mother, continued to look at me with a gentle smile, her eyes brimming with affection. She stroked my cheek softly, and I felt an unspoken connection form between us.

"Is the child born yet?" a booming voice asked as the door opened and someone shuffled in.

I couldn't turn my head to see him, but my mother helped, turning my tiny body to face the man I assumed was my new father.

He had short blonde hair and striking crimson eyes. He was dressed in fancy clothes, yet lacked the air of regality one would typically associate with nobles or royals.

"Oh, my son!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he tentatively approached me. My mother smiled at him from the corner of my eyes and gently handed me over.

He took me, his grip rougher than my mother's but still filled with love as he looked into my eyes.

This feeling of warmth... it wasn't bad at all.

"He isn't crying, doctor," my mother asked, her soothing voice tinged with a subtle note of worry.

"That is certainly not normal," the doctor responded, "But some babies don't cry. If there is an issue, do contact me."

"Thank you, doctor," my father said with a smile as the door opened and closed with a thud.

The doctor had left the room, I assumed.

My father continued to gaze at me, his eyes softening with affection. The room was filled with a sense of peace and warmth, a stark contrast to the chaos and violence of my previous life.

I glanced around as much as I could. The room was grand and elegantly decorated, with intricate designs on the walls and ceilings. The furniture was plush and luxurious, and the air smelled faintly of fresh flowers. Soft light from glowing crystals embedded in the walls bathed everything in a warm, golden glow.

'A medieval world, then?' I thought. 'My parents seem to have a good amount of money, but my father doesn't have the regality of a high noble. A baron or viscount, perhaps?'

As I tried to piece together my new reality, I felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Nestled in my mother's warm, loving arms, the exhaustion from the day's extraordinary events began to take its toll.

Her gentle rocking and the soothing rhythm of her heartbeat lulled me into a sense of security. My eyelids grew heavy, and I could no longer keep them open. The last thing I saw was my mother's radiant smile, her sapphire eyes filled with a love that made my heart feel warm and safe.

For the first time in this different world, I let go of my worries and allowed sleep to overtake me.


I let out a mental sigh as my father once again poked my palm to get me to grab his finger. Was I doing it because I wanted to? Of course not!

It's a reflexive action that I can't help!

Babies don't grab fingers when they touch their palms because they want to, but because their reflexes make them. And why do they laugh while doing that? I don't know why. Babies are stupid.

It's been a few months since I was born, and this experience made me realize just how lucky we are to not have memories of being a child.

It is truly a blessing.

I had managed to learn some things in the meantime. My parents were wealthy, and as I had suspected, they were barons.

There were a lot of maids working in this mansion. I had only seen a small part of it so far, but the number of servants informed me of the power my parents held in this world.

It was a significant amount, which meant my life would be sailing smoother than normal, and that was always a great thing.

Maids also had quite loose lips near infants, and thus I learned a fair amount of information about the world I was born into.

From what I could gather, this world was similar to medieval Earth. The nobility system was still active and a major part of the government. My father seemed quite wealthy for his noble rank. I didn't know exactly what his rank was, but I knew he was wealthy.

Was he a merchant noble?

Aside from that, I wondered if this world had mana or not. Earth only got mana after the Towers landed, so does this mean this world is going to be exactly like medieval Earth?

That wasn't quite reassuring since the hygiene and medical facilities of medieval times were horrid. I couldn't fathom how I would get used to it.

If I even survive long enough.

Then again, this world could have mana on its own. Scientists had theorized that while the Towers did give off mana, they merely introduced it to Earth and then created that ecosystem.

Planets can already have that ecosystem from creation; nothing says they can't.

Aside from that, I spent a lot of time missing my other life.

Everything I left behind.

I felt the weight of failure, but more than that, I missed them.

My girlfriend, my parents, my friends, and all those who not only trusted me as the singular SSS-class Climber but loved me as a person they wanted in their lives.

How could I not miss them?

And, of course, I knew they were doomed since I lost the final fight that I needed to win. Even if the expectations placed on me were absolutely illogical and made no sense, I should have fulfilled them.

Because that is the duty of a hero.

'An annoying burden,' I thought as my baby instincts to cry took over, and I began bawling.

The lack of attention span meant I would lose my train of thought very easily, which was frustrating. Despite my best efforts, I was still constrained to the body of a baby, and I had no choice but to fall to its whims.

I could do nothing except observe as sand slipped through the hourglass and time passed.

The days blended into one another, marked by feeding, sleeping, and the occasional moment of curiosity. My parents' voices became familiar, their faces a constant source of comfort. My mother's gentle touch and my father's booming laughter were anchors in this new existence.

And just like that, six months passed.