22. Outmatched

"Let him go!" Lynx says as she rushes towards Intake.

Thanks to his new hightened senses that he is continuously acquiring from Power Surge his hand moves in the line of collision to catch Lynx's fist. Just before Intake was able to catch her punch he felt an immense pressure on his lower back and it bent his body pushing his stomach forward. Road Burn kicked Intake and sent him crashing into a distant tree. His grip on Power Surge was released, Lynx uses her momentum and catches him before he hits the ground.

"I gotchya Lil bro." Lynx

"Well well well! Not bad not bad!! Here I thought you would be easy pickens.... I just love it when they struggle..." Intake says as he stands up unharmed.

"His durability spiked from absorbing Power Surge's energy. Guess I'll have to up my speed some to really make it hurt!" Road Burn says as he runs in a circle around Intake creating a small tornado.

"Wait! We need a better plan!" Lynx says but Road Burn didn't hear the warning as he continues.

As Road Burn runs around Intake he begins to strike him a multiple amount of times with his legs. Intake notices that Road Burn's kicks are getting heavier with each impact, but that quickly changes the moment Road Burn feels himself get weaker. His speed quickly dwindles and he ends up tumbling on the ground a few feet away from Intake.

"Wh... What's going on?.... He didn't, touch me!.." Road Burn

"..... Don't tell me!" Lynx says then looks down at Power Surge.

She pays close attention to the back of his head where Intake grabbed him and notices a yellow chain flash in and out of sight. Once she fully focused her eyes Lynx was able to see that the chain leads directly to the hand that Intake held Power Surge with. Lynx also notices a multiple array of chains on Road Burn's legs connecting to all of the spots that he attacked Intake with.

"Well well, looks like the feline noticed. How perceptively late of you.... Now that I've anchored these two I suppose I'll turn my attention towards you. Here kitty kitty!" Intake

"Oh no you didn't." Lynx

"Now now don't be like that. I happen to be a cat person after all! Come hear and let me pet you, I bet you have nice and soft skin!" Intake

"Sorry, not into pervs!" Lynx says then digs her left hand into the dirt right behind of her.

"So mean~... Guess I'll have to come over." Intake

Before anyone knew it Intake vanishes from sight and appears right behind of Lynx. The speed that he obtained from Road Burn is quickly utilized in getting pass Lynx's guard.

"Gotchya!" Intake says as he reaches his hand for her.

"At least you're predictable!" Lynx says as she scoops up a handful of dirt and tosses it behind of her in a single motion.

A large portion of the dirt made contact with Intake's face which got into his mouth and eyes. Intake stops his assault and begins to cough up dirt. Lynx uses this opportunity to flip up and over him and lands near a tree. Lynx easily rips the tree out of the ground and winds back in a batting position. With 1 big swing Lynx uses the tree to literally knock Intake out of the park.

"Oh yeah, still got it." Lynx

Lynx quickly rests the tree back where she pulled it from and rushes over to Road Burn.

"There is such a thing as to fast ya know!" Lynx

"Heheh.. I'll keep that.. In mind.." Road Burn

Lynx reaches for the yellow chains around Road Burn's legs in an attempt to pry them off of him, but the chains simply faze through her hand.

"Of course that's going to happen... I need to do something quick before he drains them dry.." Lynx

"Glad to hear you didn't forget about me." Intake says as he floats behind of Lynx.

Before Lynx could react in any possible way Intake used his stolen abilities to get in front of her and grab her by the throat in the blink of an eye.

"You know I was kind of curious to see if you were going to figure out a way to break my chains, but I couldn't help myself and just rushed in when I lay eyes on a body like this.... If I told you you had a hot bod, would you hold it against me?" Intake asks with a sinister grin.

Lynx struggles from the pressure being applied on her neck, she immediately feels her strength fade and because of Intake's newly added strength she has trouble breathing.

"What's wrong?... Cat got your tongue? Well you don't have to answer. I usually take what I want anyway so don't mind if I do!" Intake says then begins to reach his hand for Lynx's chest.

However, Intake was halted in his attempt by Power Surge grabbing his arm but is only able to get to one knee.

"Hands... Off... My.... Sister!" Power Surge

"Heck yeah! You got tenacity kid! I like it!" Intake

Intake suddenly feels a heavy yet ineffective impact against his jaw. He turns his gaze to see that it came from Lynx's knee.

"Hahaha! You 2 really are related! Such fire is to be commended! Its just too bad ya touched me which only anchors you down much more. In other words... No dice!" Intake says then kicks Power Surge away.

Lynx's leg drops and she feels more of her strength being zapped away from her.

"Here's a fun fact! Did you know that I can control the amount of energy that I siphon off from whomever I make contact with? Neat huh?! Now, where were we?" Intake says turning his attention back to Lynx.

Just before his hand touches any other part of Lynx, Intake feels an overwhelming and dangerous presence behind of him. It causes Intake to release his hold on Lynx and she fully drops to the ground while coughing and gasping for air. Intake's eyes widen, his heart races, his body shakes and a cold sweat begins to poor out of his body. He slowly turns his head and his eyes meets with another pair of eyes full of blood lust. Eyes belonging to the recently labelled 'Demon Hunter', Sigma.