"OK this is getting ridiculous! Why can't everyone make their own orbiting space station like a normal braniac?!" Stacey
"Once my creator boards this vessal, you will quickly realize the true technical genius that is of the A-Dola empire!" A-Oa
"Road Burn what's your 20?" Stacey
"Standing next to the core at the ready." Road Burn
"We got a new problem closing in fast." Stacey
"What now?!" Road Burn
"A-Oa's creator is closing in on Global 1. We'll stick to our original plan until he, she or whatever gets here." Stacey
"Copy that. Keep me posted." Road Burn
Stacey hears the AIs outside of the door begin to bang against it a little bit louder, she looks at the security camera and notices that there are a few more than she had seen from earlier.
"Tch!" Stacey
"Considering that you have no chance of removing me from the system I find it very peculiar that you are still trying to avoid the inevitable. What is it that you are working on?" A-Oa
"What's the matter? Can't sneak a peak oh superior intelligence?" Stacey
"Your tone suggests sarcasm. A main human trait. I have no access to that console yet because you've activated a randomizer function to compliment your defense protocols. I estimate another four minutes before I have full control but my creator will be here in two minutes where he will be welcomed with open arms." A-Oa
"..... Four minutes? That gives me plenty of time to do some tinkering. Thanks for the heads up genius." Stacey
"....." A-Oa
Meanwhile Road Burn anxiously waits in the core room by pacing back and forth.
"Man this sucks! My storm's build up to much and it makes time move by so slow! Wish I had something to pass the time..." Road Burn
Suddenly a group of the AIs begin to gather in the near corridor heading straight for the power core.
".... My mouth runs faster than my legs do..." Road Burn
2 minutes go by and the approaching ship makes it to another hanger entrance. A-Oa automatically opens the bay doors and the ship enters.
"Your chances just went from none straight to the negatives. With my creator now on this orbiting vessel, you will submit to his genius." A-Oa
"You honestly talk too much." Stacey
A-Oa pulls up another screen showing the ship that just arrived landing. The door of the ship opens and a male figure walks down the ramp of the ship. He has a pitch black skin suit, three blue arrows pointing down on his chest, a metal visor over his eyes, a metal style backpack and a metal dial on each of his forehands.
"Road Burn, how's your storm holding up?" Stacey
"Better now. I broke down a large number of those AIs in the corridor so when they all regenerated simultaneously they ended up piling on each other so they look like a pile of blue putty now. How long has it been anyway?" Road Burn
"That creator guy is onboard and is no doubt headed this way. We have less than two minutes before A-Oa cracks my codes so stay at your post. You only leave there when you drain the core." Stacey
"Or if you need help right away. Don't even think about going down guns blazing!" Road Burn
"No promises." Stacey
Stacey looks up at the monitors to see that the newest guest is currently shrouded in a blue aura and is flying at high speeds quickly making his way to Stacey's location.
"He shall reach this location in the next five seconds. Prepare yourself." A-Oa
"If only I had the time to make a mute button!" Stacey
Stacey suddenly heard the door behind her creek. She looks at the screen and sees that the other AIs are focusing their efforts on the area where the two doors connect and are beginning to separate them. She also sees A-Oa's creator standing in wait.
"Dang that guy's fast." Stacey
"Farewell human." A-Oa
They then pry open the doors and immediately open fire. Stacey quickly reacts by drawing out her two side arms and firing after the beams. She was able to hit some of the beams but the rest were on a collision course. Before they make contact a blue energy wall appears right in front of Stacey and blocks the beams. The wall then reshapes itself, wraps around the AIs and traps them in a newly shaped sphere. He then shrinks the sphere to the point where it is out of sight crushing the AIs
"Say what?" Stacey
"Wh-what? Why would you do that?! Why would you save the human?!" A-Oa
"A-Oa! This must stop at once!" Said A-Oa's creator.
Stacey slowly lowered her guns but kept her guard up and kept quiet until she figures out what is really going on.
"What do you mean?" A-Oa
"Our race's primary objectives are to learn from other races to help in evolution by non hostile means. We do not take whatever we want like that of pirates!" A-Oa's creator.
"... My primary programing is to gain knowledge for the A-Dola by any means. There is no inquiry that I share anything. That is how you programmed me is it not?" A-Oa
"I did no such thing!" A-Oa's creator.
"OK, timeout! Who are you and what's going on exactly?!" Stacey
"Apologies. I am Arram Assam, captain of technology and lead liaison for the planet A-Dola. As you might be aware I am also the one who created A-Oa." Arram
"Yeah so she keeps telling me." Stacey
"I am sorry but I still do not understand. Are you saying that what I am doing is wrong creator?" A-Oa
"Exactly. And I have a bad feeling that someone from our home has tampered with you. I need you to evacuate the system and enter this containment unit so that I may examine you." Arram says pulling out a cylinder shaped container from his pack.
"... I cannot." A-Oa
"A-Oa!" Arram
"I must do what I am programmed to do without delay. Within the next 8 seconds I will have full access to that panel. You have delayed me long enough human. I will acquire everything I need and you will have failed to stop me." A-Oa
"So you keep telling me. Road Burn now!" Stacey
Road Burn receives the message and instantly went to work on draining the power core. The result being the entire Global 1 once again goes dark except for the console that Stacey was working on. Not a moment later did A-Oa appear on that very console.
"Interesting. I have gained access to the main console even though there is no power. How is this so?" A-Oa
"You're cycling the power through the console to keep it functioning but, why? Once the power is back on A-Oa will be able to roam free. If I can access the main processing unit I may be able to-" Arram
"Wait for it." Stacey says stopping Arram's explanation.
The power then comes on and all of the systems quickly reboot.
"Now then, it is time for me to.... What is this? Why can't I leave the confines of this unit?.... What have you done?!!" A-Oa
"Oh nothing... I just entered my defense system protocols focused on this console alone with a little twist. To create a prison where you will be decripting for a long time and the one at fault for falling for my little trap is you." Stacey
"What?!" A-Oa
"Do you remember the first thing you did since we met? You had the nerve to tell me to get off of Global 1 and because I said no you tried to eject me into space. I took a great deal of offense to that. See, because you were so arrogantly full of yourself you didn't bother to take notice of me making it more difficult for you to do what you came to do. You cracked my protocols the first time pretty quick so I added a little mix to the second one and it turns out its worked. This protocol has what we humans like to call, a reset button. I have it set for each moment that you hit the last protocol, all of the protocols reset and it puts you back to square one." Stacey
"No..." A-Oa
"Here's the thing about us humans... We adapt to a multiple number of situations. If we had stood still all those years ago the human race would have been extinct." Stacey
"Inconceivable!! This cannot happen to an advanced life form such as myself!!" A-Oa
"Too bad because it has. Face the obvious fact A-Oa... A human proved to be your superior. Now I can remove you from the system and have you closely examined." Arram says approaching the console A-Oa is trapped in.
"Hold it!" Stacey orders while she aims her guns at Assam catching his attention.
"It is alright. I plan on removing her with your impressive restart program in tact. You can trust me." Arram
Stacey stares at Arram for a few seconds, takes a deep breathe then holsters her guns.
"That's twice I've been saved... I'm losing my touch." Stacey
Arram then touches the cylinder to the console and A-Oa along with Stacey's program was sucked into the container. Road Burn, who was running off the excess energy came to a stop at the door and is breathing heavily.
"OK.... You're... Next!... *Phew!! I'm out a shape.... One sec..." Road Burn
Arram looks over at Stacey who calmly shakes her head as she stares at Road Burn.