Chapter 2: Someone's Done For, Ladies Please Take a Detour

"You lose!" Ethan laid out his cards, revealing the highest possible straight flush. His eyes twinkled with a mischievous allure, the black-blue color seemingly captivating souls.

Sophia looked at the joker cards in her hand, her smile slightly twisted, but she laughed heartily, "Better skilled, I concede!" Then, she left the scene with her noble stride, pride intact.

Leo's eyelid twitched again.

Lincoln hummed in dissatisfaction.

Half an hour later, Leo, tearing his shirt off, leaned on the railing, staggering down the corridor. Damn, which scoundrel drugged him with an aphrodisiac!

Ten meters away, the "gambling god's grandma" was inserting her card into the door lock. Ah, this twenty-two-year-old virgin "Weirdo" will fall into his hands tonight.

Sophia had just opened the door when she was forcefully pushed into the room. A loud bang followed as the door shut behind them.

Sophia, quick to react, rolled to the side, but in the next second, she was pinned down by the man on top of her.

Facing a man with higher combat skills, she... for the first time, felt fear.

"Who are you? Don't mess around, beware I might break your..."

Break his lower parts, crush his balls? If only she could.

In the darkness, Leo flashed his white teeth, biting the woman's neck beneath him.

Sophia lacked the strength because the man overpowered her completely.

She was maneuvered onto the bed, and in the darkness, she saw him staring at her, his blue eyes filled with fire.

She was always looking for a chance to strike.

The first attack was blocked by a kiss; the second saw her hands pinned above her head; in the third assault, she was fully subdued.

She didn't succeed in any of her attacks and ended up losing everything to him.

She screamed in pain and cried in humiliation.

No, she must make this despicable man pay a far crueler price!

Pausing briefly, she had a strategy. Pretending to be out of strength, she closed her eyes.

Thinking he had completely subdued her due to his superior skills, Leo was fooled.

Sophia wanted this exact moment of vulnerability. Seizing the opportunity, she twisted his arms, flipped over him, and swiftly handcuffed him to the iron bedpost in one fluid motion. By the time he realized what had happened, Sophia was already standing at a safe distance, a cold smile on her lips.

Leo was dumbstruck, disbelief filled his eyes in the dark.

She was an exceptional woman!

The angle she used to cuff his hands was unique, leaving him powerless to get up.

Damn, it hurt. Sophia cursed him from the floor, wondering if this man was made of diamond. Hating him deeply, she picked up a high heel, approached, and slammed it onto his lower parts, then quickly jumped back to a safe distance.

Even in the dark, unable to see his face clearly, she delighted in his apparent pain and finally smiled in satisfaction.

Dressed again, she limped out of the room.

Upon reflection, still feeling unsatisfied, she returned, found a marker from her bag, and wrote on the door, "This duck is cooked, ladies please take a detour!"

Then, taking five dollars from her wallet, she threw it at him under his furious gaze.

Even if I'm ruined, it's me who has enjoyed you!

Fortunately, the cruise ship was already heading back to port. Sophia, fueled by her anger and boldness, had severely wronged that man. But based on her experiences and intuition, she knew he was not someone to trifle with. After knocking out countless men, whether Lincoln's or the man's subordinates, she sped home as fast as she could.

Almost as soon as she disappeared from the corridor, Leo's men arrived from the other end. Leo's humiliation was now visible to them, one can only imagine his expression!

"Search every corner, I'll tear this ship apart if I have to, but find that woman!" That eccentric woman; the one daring enough to defy him; the woman quick and resilient, with extraordinary wits; the one who subjected him to this great humiliation.

"Yes!" His subordinates left to execute the order.

Soon, one came back to report, "We caught the culprit who drugged you, it was Lincoln's man!"

Buttoning his last button, Leo's voice was as cold as Hades, "Not one left."

Surprised, yet shaking, the subordinate obediently answered, "Yes," and left to carry out the order.